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Leuren Moret & Laurens Battis: Jesuits behind 1979 Iranian hostage crisis and 2015 Jade Helm to destroy US constitution

Algred Lambremont Webre

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June 3, 2015

Leuren Moret & Laurens Battis: Jesuits behind 1979 Iranian hostage crisis and 2015 Jade Helm to destroy US constitution

How Richmond CA’s Space Preservation Act Resolution can deconstruct the Jesuit-Pope-Obama End Game and create a positive future

By Alfred Lambremont Webre



VANCOUVER, BC – In a wide-ranging interview with’s Alfred Lambremont Webre, Independent scientist Leuren Moret and journalist and military historian Laurens Battis discuss how the Jesuits, ancient Iranian and Roman bloodlines, as well as Zionist interests have coordinated attacks basic freedoms, including freedom of thought and expression, guaranteed on the U.S. constitution.

These have included sustained attacks on the U.S. aimed at destroying the democratic rights of the American people. Attacks have included the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis, where Jesuit and Zionist interests in the US acted to defeat Jimmy Carter’s re-election and ensure the election of super-hawk Ronald Reagan.

Jade Helm 2015 False Flag

The Jade Helm 2015 False Flag has included HAARP-Chemtrails WMD weather warfare retaliatory strikes against Texas in retaliation for the Texas governor’s calling out the Texas Guard to monitor Federal troops mobilized for the attempted Jade Helm 2015 occupation of America in contravention of the historic Posse Comitatus act passed in 1878 in the aftermath of the Civil War prohibiting the deployment of Federal troops on the U.S. mainland.  It is long documented that the Bauer family fomented the U.S. Civil War.

Texas State Senate Authorizes Gold and Silver as Legal Tender

The HAARP-Chemtrails weather warfare attacks on Texas were also a retaliation against the Texas State Senate having passed on May 26, 2015 HB483 a bill taking a step towards gold and silver as commonly-used legal tender in Texas by an overwhelming 29-2 vote. If passed by the Texas House and signed by the Governor, this would functionally place Texas as the equivalent of a BRICS nation in terms of internal monetary policy, and represent a step toward con-federation with the United States, as the current currency policies of the United States do not permit gold and silver as legal tender.

Adoption of the Texas HB483 allowing gold and silver as legal tender by other states would (1) restore state sovereignty and real wealth of the American people; (2) allow the U.S. government to default on its obligations to the Bauer-family owned Federal Reserve bank without negative real wealth consequences for the real wealth people of the United States.

If other states were to adopt the Texas standard, this could seriously implode the legitimacy of the now bankrupt and Bauer-family controlled Federal Reserve Bank.

Texas-based Members of Congress such as Ron Paul have attempted to end the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank (established without a vote during the 1913 Christmas holiday break through Bauer family bribing of then President Woodrow Wilson and other politicians).

SEE: Texas Senate Passes Bill to Establish Bullion Depository, Help Facilitate Transactions in Gold and Silver

How Richmond CA’s Space Preservation Act Resolution can deconstruct the Jesuit-Pope-Obama End Game and create a positive future

Leuren Moret and Laurens Battis also discuss how the adoption on May 19, 2015 of the Space Preservation Act Resolution by the Richmond, CA City Council bans the HAARP-Chemtrails WMD weapons system, the principal system for all modern weather warfare, population and individual limbic system mood and mind control and  “Imagineering” false flags, including the false flag of September 11, 2001 and future planned false flags such as “asteroid hits”, extraterrestrial false flag invasions” etc., as well as exopolitical and etheric or “spiritual” warfare.



WHEREAS, the Space Preservation Act and the companion Space Preservation Treaty has established a permanent ban on all space-based weapons, on the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects or persons from or that are in orbit; and the permanent termination of research and development, testing, manufacturing, production and deployment of all space-based weapons; and

WHEREAS, the Space Preservation Act, companion to the Space Preservation Treaty, introduced by U.S. Congressmen Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), requires the U.S. President to continue enforcement of banning space-based weapons and the use of weapons to destroy or damage persons or objects that are in or from orbit; and

WHEREAS, the Space Preservation Treaty has established an outer space peacekeeping agency to monitor outer space and enforce the permanent ban of space-based weapons. In addition, this legislation serves as a safeguard for targeted individuals who claim to be under assault from weaponry that should be outlawed by the Space Preservation Act.

WHEREAS, the well-being of all residents is of the upmost importance to the City of Richmond.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Richmond hereby supports the Space Preservation Act and companion Space Preservation Treaty, to ensure that individuals will not be targets of space-based weapons.

SOURCE: Richmond, CA City Council Meeting – 5/19/2015 Resolution I-1 passed

Basically, the Space Preservation Act of 2001 (HR2977) [which this reporter personally drafted in August 2001 and which was sent via Dr. Carol Rosin to the office of then Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Dem-OH) who introduced the bill in Oct 2001 when he could not even get into his own Congressional office because of the CIA anthrax threat from the Inside Job false flag of September 11, 2001] prohibits the HAARP-Chemtrails WMD and associated weather warfare and mind control attacks against civilian populations, which are also prohibited by the 1977 Convention Against Environmental Modification and international humanitarian law.


  • HR 2977 IH

    1 (2)(A) The terms ‘‘weapon’’ and ‘‘weapons sys2

    tem’’ mean a device capable of any of the following:

    3 (i) Damaging or destroying an object

    4 (whether in outer space, in the atmosphere, or

    5 on earth) by—

    6 (I) firing one or more projectiles to

    7 collide with that object;

    8 (II) detonating one or more explosive

    9 devices in close proximity to that object;

    10 (III) directing a source of energy (in11

    cluding molecular or atomic energy, sub12

    atomic particle beams, electromagnetic ra13

    diation, plasma, or extremely low frequency

    14 (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) en15

    ergy radiation) against that object; or

    16 (IV) any other unacknowledged or as

    17 yet undeveloped means.

    18 (ii) Inflicting death or injury on, or dam19

    aging or destroying, a person (or the biological

    20 life, bodily health, mental health, or physical

    21 and economic well-being of a person)—

    22 (I) through the use of any of the

    23 means described in clause (i) or subpara24

    graph (B);

  • HR 2977 IH

    1 (II) through the use of land-based,

    2 sea-based, or space-based systems using

    3 radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic,

    4 sonic, laser, or other energies directed at

    5 individual persons or targeted populations

    6 for the purpose of information war, mood

    7 management, or mind control of such per8

    sons or populations; or

    9 (III) by expelling chemical or biologi10

    cal agents in the vicinity of a person.

    11 (B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems

    12 such as—

    13 (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information

    14 weapons;

    15 (ii) chemtrails;

    16 (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency

    17 weapons systems;

    18 (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ul19

    trasonic weapons;

    20 (v) laser weapons systems;

    21 (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extra22

    terrestrial weapons; and

    23 (vii) chemical, biological, environmental,

    24 climate, or tectonic weapons.

  • HR 2977 IH

    1 (C) The term ‘‘exotic weapons systems’’ in2

    cludes weapons designed to damage space or natural

    3 ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper at4

    mosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems

    5 with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction

    6 upon a target population or region on earth or in

    7 space.

Legal impact of the Richmond CA Resolution

Under natural law principles, international humanitarian law principles, state law principles, municipal law principles, the NWO actors, including the U.S. government and co-conspirators in the international war crimes racketeering organizations such as the Bauer family, who are using the HAARP WMD weapons system to create the following war crimes and crimes against humanity are banned and must immediately cease:

  1. California drought;
  2. Personal and mass population foot-print wide mood and limbic mind control in California
  3. All weather warfare in continental United States
  4. Personal and mass population foot-print wide mood and limbic mind control in continental United States

Enforcement of the Richmond CA City Council Resolution can be by any municipality, State, National or International entity passing the Resolution, by the International Criminal Court, and by the Transhumanist Agenda War Crimes Tribunal or other common law body.

How to get your City Council to pass the Richmond CA Resolution

Leuren Moret and Laurens Battis discuss how you can get your City Council or other local authority to pass the Richmond CA Resolution. Here are the necessary tools:

  1. Chemtrails Defined As Exotic Weapon in Space Preservation Act of 2001 – HR 2977

  1. City Council Votes to Ban Mind Control Weapon Use Against Residents

  1. VIDEO: Richmond City Council ban spaced-based weapons

  1. Space Preservation Act of 2001 – Official Text

  1. Is Texas Under Attack By The U.S. Government For Resisting Jade Helm? “Weather Warfare Right Before Our Very Eyes”





By Leuren Moret

Community Environmental Advisory Commission*

May 17, 2005

Berkeley is the only city in the United States with its own Foreign Policy