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Preston James

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April 11, 2015

It is time for all Americans to become informed of the soulless Monsters of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia that walk among us. And it is time to stop them cold in their anti-human Satanic Agenda for America and the World.


We now know for certain that the “two-faced” Chieftains and Kingpins of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate, are the Top American Policy-makers and the covert rulers of America and will remain so until we fully expose them and then stop them cold.

Khazarian Mafia (KM) Chieftains and Kingpins project a socially desirable, public oriented outward appearance. But they have a soulless inner self that is so evil and in such stark contradiction to their outward “friendly” appearance that it is unimaginable to most Americans.

Those who become their Cutouts and “owned” Assets are individuals who tend to be sociopathic too, are known to be weak and to easily respond to the “seven sins.”

Because those who become KM Cutouts and Assets desired to rise to the top in a Khazarian Mafia (KM)controlled system of success that controls the highest echelons of the USG, the were typically quite easily conned by the desirable outward appearance of these criminally insane Khazarian Mafia “Beasts”, or the draw of their money, status and power.

These soulless sociopathic Khazarian Mafia Chieftains and Kingpins who are best described as “monsters,” cannot maintain power without complete abject secrecy of their incredibly evil, inhuman acts against nature and mankind, or without their massive private Fiat Counterfeiting machine disguised as a Bank.

And with the advent of the Worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg press, the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and its Chieftains, Kingpins, Cutouts and Assets as well as its foreign based espionage inside America, as well as its efforts to create endemic corruption and death at every level in America, are being exposed more and more every day.

It’s only a matter of time and the whole World will be turning against the Rothschild KM and its main action agent doing espionage in America, Israel, the nation that attacked America with nukes on 9-11-01 falsely blamed on Mideast Islamics in the biggest Gladio-style False-flag attack in history.