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The Ugly Truth

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Jan. 4, 2015

ED-NOTE (Sabba) – Bernard Henri Levy (BHL) and George Soros – the “philosopher” and the “philanthropist” – are on a worldwide campaign against Putin.

BHL is incorrigible. Lies and scams have always accompanied the journey of this man. Forger, liar, violent, cynical, manipulative and blood thirsty: whatever he touches turns into blood and destruction (Bosnia, Libya, Syria, Ukraine…).

He has relentlessly been calling for NATO to annihilate Mr. Vladimir Putin and Russia.

The following pictures are just a hint to what this man is all about.


Picture 1, supposedly taken in Kiev, was widespread all over the French main stream media…. until picture 2 was leaked and exposed him for the forger and liar that he has always been… But far from being embarrassed, far from keeping a low profile to make people forget about him, he now teams up with Soros to declare war against Putin!

Soros’ criminal C.V and achievements are better known. It will suffice here to remind all readers that this man started his career by working with the National Socialists in Hungary during WWII. That’s right! He sold out his fellow jews against 30 miserable pieces of silver and THAT is how he started building up his fortune… 

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