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Jan. 23, 2015




Ron: Well knock me down with a feather!  A JEW in charge of MI5, the UK Police and the UK inquiry into child sexual abuse. Indeed, as Teresa May, Britain's Home Secretary, says: 'Without its Jews, Britain would not be Britain.'


Above we see Teresa May, Britain's Home Secretary, holding up a poster saying "I am a Jew."
Teresa May is the cabinet minister responsible for the security service MI5, the police and the inquiry into child sexual abuse.

Teresa May has said: 'Without its Jews, Britain would not be Britain.' 

She may be thinking of British Jews such as humourist Jonathan Miller, Labour Party leader Ed Miliband, Linda McCartney, cricketer Fred Trueman, Helena Bonham Carter, Elizabeth Taylor or Peter Sellers.



Cabinet Minister Eric Pickles and Teresa May.
Teresa May may be thinking of the succession of Jewish Home Secretaries who allowed in vast numbers of immigrants.
She may have been thinking of Ghislaine Maxwell, the Kray twins, Sir Keith Joseph, Greville Janner and Leon Brittan, whose names have been linked to child abuse inquiries.
She may have been thinking of Victor Rothschild, who allegedly gave away Britain's nuclear secrets to Israel, Sir David Manning, who helped get Britain into the Iraq War, or Denis McShane who was exposed as a crooked Zionist member of parliament.



Theresa May may be thinking of the philosopher Leo Strauss, who lived for a while in Cambridge. 
Strauss believed that in order to control the ignorant masses, the elite should use: DECEPTION, RELIGIOUS FERVOUR and PERPETUAL WAR.



She may be thinking of Bernard Lewis who helped to invent the idea of a clash of civilisations.



Bernard Lewis helped to invent the West's new enemy, known as 'Islam'.



Allegedly, a British spy called Hempher and a crypto Jew called Wahhab set up the Wahhabi Islamist sect in order to wreck the Moslem world.






Teresa May may be forgetting that in 1940, the Jewish Stern Gang proposed intervening in World War II on the side of Nazi Germany.




She may be forgetting that in 1947, Jews attempted to BOMB THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT.







Teresa May should be sacked because of her 'cover up' of child abuse rings involving her own Conservative party.


Theresa May's child abuse inquiry shame: Counting the days since Home Secretary promised victims justice

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