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John Kaminski

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Jan. 8, 2015


Why Judaism's indefensible

homicidal maniac behavior

is a danger to the whole world


They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race. 

— Voltaire (Lettres de Memmius a Ciceron, 1771)



By John Kaminski



This Bolshevik revolution that everybody talks about was not a Russian revolution. It was the takeover of Russia by Jews sent by American bankers to rob the czar, who was at the time the richest man in the world. A revolutionary government dominated by Jews proceeded to plunder the country and most noticeably slaughtered a hundred million non Jewish Russian people. This is the dominant feature of Communism — it murders the bourgeoisie, and robs countries and the people who worked to earn the money, and gives that money to the people who steal the country, namely, the Communists.


That's what happened in Russia. And it's about to happen to the rest of the world.


Thus, Communism appeals to the poor. It is a get rich quick scheme. At least, this is what the poor think. But like any get rich quick scheme, because the poor never really get rich from it, it is an illusion. Only the people who organize the scheme get rich; Lenin sent $40 million overseas. Everybody else gets put in a kind of prison, either a real prison, in which they are often killed, or a prison society, in which their freedoms are severely limited, as we witnessed in the Soviet Union.


Now we see the same thing happening in the Ukraine, in which Jews — many from foreign countries — dominate the new revolutionary government, which has been provided by, of all places, the United States, which unbeknownst to most of the people in the world, has become a Communist country through its domination by Jews, and the seduction of the populace by welfare payments.  Yet Ukraine is only 1 percent Jewish. It's new government is almost completely Jewish. And the most significant thing this new government is doing is murdering its citizens which it doesn't like. Those it fails to slaughter it starves to death. 


And an ominous reprise of the days of Lenin's gulags looms once again over that troubled part of the world.


Starvation is the Jews' favorite method of mass murder. You might recall the Soviet starvation of 9 million Ukrainians back in the 1930s. It is called the Holodomor, and one of the most noteworthy features of it was that The New York Times never reported on it. Even worse, the Times reporter Walter Duranty won a Pultizer Prize for not writing about it, which should tell you all you need to know about Pulitzer Prizes and The New York Times. They promote only Jewish vomit, which is potentially lethal for everyone else.


This is the very thing the world has to worry about — Jewish vomit, all gussied up in noble and trendy rhetoric that captivates the have-nots with promises it never keeps.


I always like to mention what happened in World War II as being a story of three Jewish countries — the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union — all ganging up on Germany, which under Adolf Hitler had created a literal economic miracle that eluded control of the Jewish international bankers and created a workers paradise inside Germany, from which the Jews were unable to siphon off large amounts of profits from German productivity, as they do in most other countries.


Because the Soviet Union was controlled by Jews, America chose to ally itself with a demented leader who killed millions of his own people and fight against a German leader who had accomplished astonishing improvements for all of his citizens without ever killing a single one of them.


Today, news of this economic miracle is drowned out by Holocaust hysteria, which is a cynical fabrication because the Germans needed Jewish workers to manufacture their war materials.


The Jews made Germany their top priority to destroy because it represented the most significant threat in history to their world financial hegemony, so it had to be eradicated, and it was, with extreme prejudice.


Even the extremely graphic depiction of German suffering in Thomas Goodrich's grisly recounting of the tale in the book Hellstorm (nor of the horrifying, much anticipated video of the book that is being assembled by Kyle Hunt <>) can adequately convey the psychopathic brutality that was inflicted upon Germany by these Jewish controlled monster countries which can legitimately be described as something less than human. 


Yes, these are your ancestors and your country I'm talking about — less than human. In particular the United States, controlled by its soulless Jewish bankers in Israel, have demonstrated this less than human behavior in country after country it has invaded, strafed and sodomized ever since engineering the demolition of those two skyscrapers in New York City that it falsely blamed on innocent Muslims.


Throughout history there has been a code among nations that once a war is over, the defeated are treated with compassionate justice. The fight is over and we are all humans. 


But this trend has disappeared in the 20th century, largely as a result of Jewish control over the major monsters, first Russia, throughout its long and cruel incarnation as the Soviet Union, and now the United States, which has been butchering people it has conquered since the Indians first presented a minor problem to the expansion of their empire and the 19th century.


More lately, with drones in Afghanistan and out-of-control mercenaries in Iraq, the U.S.-Israeli murder machine has excelled them all.


And it all tracks back to the Jewish so-called holy book, the Talmud, which commands its twisted followers to kill or enslave all the non Jews of the world without a second thought.


Which is why we have in America today policy after policy that are clearly not in the best interests of the American people — ship all the jobs overseas, legalize and distribute poison foods and medicine, and above all, steal all America's money, through the income tax, the Federal Reserve and an ever increasing inflation that funnels all the cash away from the non Jews and toward the Jews, in Israel, in Switzerland, in their international banking lair in London, and have it all wrapped up and twisted by a media that declares all these maneuvers good and beneficial to the American people, even as they go broke.


All the while, America is dying directly because of the poison influence of the Jew, which twists the natural vitality of the people into a necrotic animosity from which only the Jew profits from the calculated deaths of the population it preys upon.


If there is one thing that characterizes a Jew, it is that the story he presents has been turned upside down. Good becomes evil, and evil becomes good. Is there a better description of what has happened in America over the last century, since the Jews gained control of America's finances and with them bought America's media and with that took lethal control of the American mind?


The human species is headed toward a tumultuous climax of a disgusting drama that has lasted for thousands of years. The undeniable fact is that one of these groups — either the Jews or the non Jews — will not survive.


The biggest problem is that no one can argue with a Jew. They are programmed to deceive, to swindle, and to kill. They are unable to compromise because they have been taught that all other people are animals and should be treated as swine, which is what they do. They have no compassion, and should receive no compassion, which they would regard as a weakness. The only way they wish to relate to other people is as slaves or as corpses, and so far that's what they have achieved, as vividly demonstrated by the recent Jewish butchery in Gaza.


So far Jews have all the weapons, all the money, and all the media to convince people they're merely this oppressed and injured minority when in reality they are hardened criminals, homicidal psychopaths carrying a grudge against everyone that is as irrational as it is ineradicable. Jewish history is a nonstop saga of crimes they have committed against native populations, their expulsion and persecution for committing those crimes, and their eternal effort to seek bloody vengeance against those who have objected to those crimes and tried to prevent them from recurring.


Unfortunately for the world, ever since Meyer Amschel Rothschild and his sons swindled the world out of its finances in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, no country has been able to withstand the bribery, blackmail and murder that have catapulted the soulless Jews into total control of the world's money supply, and as a result of that, all political power.


Now, no country on Earth can resist Jewish financial pressure.


Today, the next king of England, little Prince Georgie, is a full blooded Jew, from both sides of his lineage. He will make a perfect tyrannical match with the Jewish bankers in the City of London, and among them, no financial power can match their power. It will be the end of all democracies and republics, if the current financial system is allowed to survive by its helpless goyim minions.


Already the Jews have scrambled all the world's populations so that no country infected by Judaism is at peace. 


Calculated immigration with an aim to deliberately destabilize societies adds to a chaotic list of subverted governments, prostituted media, profaned entertainment, ruined art, corrupted psychology, obliterated music, poisoned food, mainstream medicine turned into a murder machine, constantly diminishing quality of manufactured products, and scrambled populations triggering constant conflicts that enable the implementation of police states are all the signatures of Jews, who enjoy special privileges due to their control of the money supply and the police.


Popular and affluent phonies who cater to them and betray their own comrades become rich and widely quoted proposing partial and ineffective solutions to this Jewish plague that is strangling the life out of human society. Mention the Jews' role in this horrible plot and you go broke, perhaps lose your life. Don't mention the Jewish destabilization and societies and you get rich, which is the case of every commentator you see on television.


U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's recent homily that Jews have done wonderful things for the United States is exactly the opposite of what has actually occurred. Jewish influence has turned the world into a nightmare of corruption, pollution and decadence.


In perpetually tortured Gaza, the Jews claim they have a right to murder 2,250 people in cold blood to avenge the deaths of three of their own whom they may well have killed themselves.  This is an example of the insane vengeance they continue to wreak on the world.


The survival of human society depends on ridding every single country of this evil influence. And the singular fact to remember is that Jews cannot be reasoned with, leaving only one alternative that is becoming more obvious to everyone with each passing day.




John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.



