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Rick Perry One-Ups Both Rand & Jeb, Does Crazy-Dance With Rabbis In the Street For Hanukkah

Martin Hill

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Dec. 19, 2014

Governor Rick Perry of Texas is trying, and has succeeded, to ‘out-Jew’ both Rand Paul and Jeb Bush combined, in his apparent preparations of bid for the 2016 GOP presidential primary.

Perry first participated in a Menorah lighting ceremony, and then did a wild dance in the street with a bunch of Jewish rabbis.  

Perry issued this statement regarding Chanukah on his website: “It is fitting that the first night of Chanukah falls this year on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. The same spirit of freedom that inspired the Maccabees to rise up against a foreign empire motivated our Founding Fathers to rebel against the Crown on that fateful night. They knew, as the Jewish people know, that the few can overcome the many, that right can defeat might, that faith can transcend persecution. No matter how vast the darkness, all it takes is one candle to spread the light. Our Republic, like the light of the ancient Menorah, has lasted longer than anyone could have predicted. America remains a beacon of hope in difficult times for the world. And Chanukah reminds us of the power of faith to sustain a nation and ensure the security of our ally, Israel. I wish you and your family the very happiest Chanukah. May you enjoy a year of peace and success, and may this Festival of Lights strengthen the faith and unity of our nation.”

Rabbi Yossi Lazaroff posted a video of Texas Governor Rick Perry dancing in the street with a group of Rabbis to celbrate Hannuak:

#DancingWithTheRabbis @GovernorPerry @AggieRabbi #ShareTheLights #chanukah


Here are some pictures of Rick Perry at his celebration with the Rabbis. Similar photos of Randy Paul and Jeb Bush are below. ;-)

Disclaimer: if anyone is offended by my site, lighten up. I grew up in a large Italian Catholic blue-collar family in Southern California, and never even met a Jew or Arab until I was in my 20’s. I just think this stuff is very entertaining and bizarre.

Note: I have a very extensive and amusing Zionism Archive Section. You have probably seen some of these articles before. Below in the large beige box is a sampling. ;-)

“Dancing Israelis” Arrested On 9/11 Later Sued The Govt, But Lost Their Case [Featured on Infowars,, and Veterans Today.]

Note: I was a guest on Dr. Kevin Barrett’s radio show Monday, November 12 to discuss this article and related issues. The show can be heard in MP3 archivehere [2nd hour].

After writing my first-ever article on the so-called “holocaust” in 2013, I was featured in HAARETZ! Martin Hill & Featured in HAARETZ, Israel’s oldest and most influential newspaper. Official Response to Haaretz and Other Media regarding the Holocaust and Allegations of anti-Semitism

1938: Fr Coughlin explains the cause of Jewish persecution in Germany, warmongers falsely attack him as an Anti-Semite & Nazi 12/1/13