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Brother Nathanael Kapner

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Dec. 6, 2014


JUST ONE LOOK at the enemies of Vladimir Putin and one can see that Jews are driving the political agenda of the West.

In Jewmerica, Jewish Russophobes Jeffrey Gedmin of the WSJ, Jeffrey Goldberg of Bloomberg, and Masha Gessen (Jew lesbian) of the Washington Post, continue to carp with no letup on just how “evil” Putin is.

“How to Reply to Russian Propaganda,” lectures Gedmin, in a Jewish propaganda piece of his own…chock full of Jewish lies, of which only a Christ-hating Jew could pen against Christian Russia.

“Is Moldova Next On Putin’s Hit List?” asks Goldberg.

“Putin mobilizes his shrinking constituency against an imaginary enemy: strong, Western and homosexual,” blazes out Gessen.

Ironically, in the heat of their hatred toward Putin, these Jews got something right.

Regarding Goldberg’s hit piece, insofar as Moldova is an Orthodox Christian country with a religious affinity with Orthodox Russia, it indeed stands as a natural ally of Putin.

And with Gessen’s screech piece, insofar as the West embraces homosexual depravity evincing a religious incompatibility with Orthodox Russia, its policies have indeed mobilized Putin into taking a firm stand against same-sex unions.

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have abandoned Christian values that form the basis of Western civilization and have adopted policies that put a large family on the same level as same-sex partnerships, and faith in God on the same level as faith in Satan,” Putin remarked at Valdai 2013.