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John Kaminski

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Nov. 2, 2014

The failure to identify the forces

deliberately destroying the United States


By John Kaminski



Because of our inability to cure the many and worsening social plagues that afflict us, there can be no greater, more horrifying evidence foreshadowing our complete demise as a free country than the recent assessment that the most likely U.S. presidential candidates for 2016 will be Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush.


In no uncertain terms, this sickening prospect means that the people who have run America into the ground, destroying its infrastructure and sabotaging its well being, will continue to do their dirty work unimpeded well into the future, however long (or short?) that might be. 


Nowhere on the horizon of the political spectrum is there a coherent voice who is willing to fully explain how the United States of America has been kidnapped and mutilated by a demented foreign power motivated only by its own narcissistic psychoses.


Nor are there anywhere near enough forthright writers who will address the problem clearly, and outline the downward spiral of America's well being as the result of the Jewish disfigurement of American institutions.


Certainly, there has been no change in who rules America since the Kennedy assassination of 1963, which appears to have been the last time any kind of public rhetoric demonstrated genuine and verifiable concern for the American people. 


The last time any American president ever mentioned "morally repugnant secret societies", John F. Kennedy was murdered a short while later, and the subject has seldom been brought up by any American leader of note, because all the presidents since then, to one degree or another, have been straitjacketed by these very same nefarious secret societies, who are exclusively comprised of Jewish billionaires who mask their ethnicity with a few token European royals pretending to be some other religious denomination but who are unmistakably guided by the xenophobic, homicidal and psychopathological tractates of the Talmud.


It has been a straight downhill slide into kneejerk totalitarianism ever since, in which Americans lose one right after another, day after day. As their Founding Fathers warned them so long ago, most ordinary citizens have no rights remaining by which to alleviate their ongoing social strangulation. The jobs are gone, the courts are corrupt and the bankers are not concerned by the pain of the people.


Annihilation is a strong word, but consider today's headlines: hollow point bullets, Wi-Fi radiation and government engineered diseases like Ebola. Then there are the apparently natural disasters like Arctic methane and Yellowstone about to erupt. Too much for anyone to worry about, definitely not a normal world. Definitely a landscape fitting for Armageddon, for the annihilation of the world we thought we knew.


Despite the endless stream of partisan analyses that always detail the crimes but never name the criminals, there is no indication today that any of these destructive trends will be ameliorated, as the uber-wealthy manipulators who always get to pick their presidents have no adversary with the ability or the will to put them in their place, which rightly would be in the deepest bowels of hell.


The police are all on the take, the military remains compliant because its leaders are appointed by corruptible civilians, and the judiciary is totally controlled by the rich men who assign them their unassailable power.


And with a mentally defective populace unable to even perceive most of the problems created by the crimes that have taken place, the tawdry and corrupt yes men who pose as our presidents continue to erode the principles and practices that once made America the best place in the world to live. 


Today, the U.S. is awash in Third World anarchy created by deliberately destabilizing immigration policies that have allowed criminal Jews to usurp the reigns of government by seizing control of America's financial operations, and its media, university and business systems, and in their demonic processes, flood formerly civilized white nations with a torrential flood of savagely unreasonable nonwhite rapists.


The American people have been made to accept these abnormal practices as normal, and regard unhealthy medical procedures as healthy. They have been made to swallow completely artificial events as real as their so-called leaders stage atrocities to convince the Yankee lemmings to give up their guns and thereby forfeit their very last chance to forcibly remove the crooked shysters that have kidnapped their country and turned it into a bloody brothel of insane child abuse, deranged lesbian social workers and Frankenstein doctors.


One hundred years of artificial inflation have robbed Americans of all their property, which is now controlled by international con men who have allegiance to no nation, and are held in thrall to the savagery of entrenched Jewish swindlers who bankrupt every country they're allowed to enter.


Today, the next generations of our formerly civilized countries are being poisoned from birth by cynically prescribed vaccinations and elementary school children are no longer educated in the simple values of mathematics, language and music but instead are instructed in the perversions of same-sex addictions and constant masturbation long before they ever reach the age of puberty, guaranteeing they will never be able to raise healthy families or live normal lives free of the debilitating curse of psychoactive drugs that will ruin their health and shorten their lives.


Quite by accident — or, because of my predisposition to read about ancient history in a lachrymose attempt to discern how we of this time differ from those of previous eras (and we don't stand up too well, I might add) — I recently read the famous funeral oration of Pericles, the great champion of Athenian democracy, who set the standard for confident pride in his country, his history, exhibiting a pride of place and people that we no long possess.


The oration itself is almost impossible to comprehend in this age of TV and instant messages couched in retardate technospeak. Pericles makes no apology for pride in practices others can only imitate, and a society that favors the many instead of the few, with equal justice for all without regard to class or money.


The freedom which we enjoy in our government extends also to our ordinary life. There, far from exercising a jealous surveillance over each other, we do not feel called upon to be angry with our neighbour for doing what he likes, or even to indulge in those injurious looks which cannot fail to be offensive, although they inflict no positive penalty. But all this ease in our private relations does not make us lawless as citizens. Against this fear is our chief safeguard, teaching us to obey the magistrates and the laws, particularly such as regard the protection of the injured, whether they are actually on the statute book, or belong to that code which, although unwritten, yet cannot be broken without acknowledged disgrace.


Athenians lived exactly as they pleased, trusted their neighbors and were unafraid of danger as the condition of the world. Unlike any other nation in the world, Pericles boasted, Athenians regarded anyone who shirks his public duties not as unambitious but useless.


Yet perhaps because of the small population, secrecy was not something that could be practiced in society where all issues were on the table.


Instead of looking on discussion as a stumbling block in the way of action, we think it an indispensable preliminary to any wise action at all.


Today, in the name of national security, everything truly important is done in secret.


Athenian pride rested on the knowledge of those who know the difference between hardship and pleasure yet were never tempted to shrink from danger. They acquired their friends by giving, not receiving, favors, according to Pericles. 


For it is only the love of honour that never grows old; and honour it is, not gain, as some would have it, that rejoices the heart of age and helplessness.


And where the rewards for merit are greatest, there are found the best citizens.


Men, and nations, of this mettle have, across time, been few and far between. One of the few modern examples of this kind of candid wisdom in the famous secret society speech by John F. Kennedy that wound up costing him his life.


The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.



Our noble traditions have not survived into the era of the New World Order, or, if they have, only in lobotomized form, where the secret is concealed among a small group of evil men and the public is fed a steady stream of calculated lies serving the agenda of those who wish to enslave everyone.


In the 44 years that have intervened since John F. Kennedy spoke those words, no major public figure has repeated them. On those words our very future had depended. Yet the public didn't appreciate them when they were said, and our educators, trapped in the toxic thrall of government grants, have long ignored them.


Read the whole speech at the link provided. It's not very long. In those words you will see what has happened to our once bright future, and even more vividly, you will witness the depraved criminality of the presidents we have had since. 


We are lost, and the Jews who control our lives have made us lost, to take advantage of our ignorance and ultimately eliminate us from their demented equation.


If we are ever to find ourselves, we must get rid of the Jews in order to find out who we really are. Otherwise we will continue to be slaves to those who have no souls. 


Unless we reclaim these legacies, we are lost. As human beings, as decent people, as inspiring souls by whom a worthwhile civilization can be built, without the daily practice and fervent belief in these legacies, we are lost, forever.


We heard JFK's words 50 years ago and in our timid immaturity, did not act on them. So blame the problems on us old folks who didn't know any better, or were afraid to speak out. It is long past time to awaken, slough off the criminals who control us. It is still not too late to correct the errors of the past, banish the Jews to a prison of their own warped desires, and proceed to a glorious future of humanity that awaits us had we but the courage to command it.


Otherwise our future is something you will not wish to know, and your children will hate you for it, if they don't already.



John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.



