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Rod Remelin

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Oct. 24, 2014

My comments on the NSA being a giant profit center


There is a report going around about the NSA being a giant profit center, which was a thread on the forum yesterday. Having been at the NSA, and being completely rogue on them now, I can flatly state that only the faintest scent of truth is in that report, it is, in reality, so much worse than that report states that the report reads like a faint toe dip to guage public opinion.


Let me say it like it really is -


The problem is not limited to just a few people who work there and on the outside at the same time. The problem is mostly rooted in the fact that the Jewish community now owns the NSA and is using it to steal ALL BUSINESS SECRETS FROM EVERYONE. This spans all businesses, all topics, all endeavors. If you are wondering how the Jews are taking control of every business and market out there, data theft via the NSA is exactly how.


And it is worse than that even


Let's say you are non Jewish and you own a metal supply company, and in your area, there is a Jewish owned metal supply company in competition with you. The NSA will have on file a log of all people who know the difference between your company and the Jewish company, and ALL CALLS that are from people who DO NOT know the difference are likely to be routed to the Jewish company instead even if in the yellow pages whoever dialed opted to try to call the non Jewish company. The NSA has that power now, with every phone call being routed through them as the middle man and the infinite data base they have on everyone. I have personally seen this happen before, where a call I tried to make to one company got redirected to another that was not associated, when I was trying to get supplies for home upgrades a few years ago. This has been going on for a long time.


If you own a business, even on a local level, and you are in the same market as Jewish competition, chances are your phone will seldom ring, especially if you are on someone's black list as a political undesirable, even if completely law abiding. The problem with NSA surveillance and having the NSA be the middleman for everything goes far beyond phones, it also is the defacto standard for all electronic communications.


What does all of this mean?


It means that if you own a bread company, and your recipe is unique, and in your market there is a Jewish bread company, all of a sudden their bread will be exactly the same as yours if that is what people want. It means that if you have a unique detailed invention, a Jewish company will release the same thing with full patents a week before you do. And it shows in what is going on in the market place, with everything suddenly going Jewish, with virtually all main stores being Jewish owned, all telecommunications firms being Jewish owned, all tech firms being Jewish owned, all segments of all markets, EVEN FOOTBALL TEAMS being Jewish owned, and folks, it did not happen because Jews are better, it has all happened because Jews have perfect data rape on everyone.


No company can survive having all secrets stolen along with simultaneous censorship and re-routing of communications. It is not just the data rape when it comes to the NSA, it is the loss of the ability to connect with your customer base compliments of phone and other censorship, and redirecting of your communications and rightful business propositions directly to your Jewish competitor.


This is all so self evident it is foolish to argue with it. Was Tesla Jewish? NO. Was Edison Jewish? NO. Was Ford Jewish? NO. Was Disney Jewish? NO. And all of these people succeeded because back then the Jews did not have the ability to rape and plunder. Look at the world now, and how pathetic the non Jewish population looks by comparison. In the past, the Jews accomplished practically nothing other than financial tyranny on their own, WHAT CHANGED? The answer is at the NSA.


You can see one of the articles that caused me to post this HERE