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Yukon Jack

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Oct. 24, 2014

The Jews, for all intensive purposes, control Western Democracies, and everyone can see how degenerate the modern state has become under Jewish rule.  There is a definitive reason for this, the Jew has a corrupt soul, and finds it impossible to treat others fairly.  When the Jew gets political power, his corrupt tendencies are now married to the monopolistic use of force that the state wields, the result has been catastrophic for the Western world.

The Jew is the master of despotism, the use of the state for negative purposes, authoritarian rule.  What is the source of this  obsession with an authoritarian state?  Why do Jews destroy every nation they occupy?  What is to happen to Jewish run Amerika?  What is the original source of state authority and power and how do we overcome the evil of Jewish parasitism?

Jewish Statism

When discussing the use of state to control by the use of force, the general term statism is used to describe the despotic use of force.  What is statism?  To answer that think about what the state really is:  the state is simply a group with a monopoly on the use of force.   The state is a gang, and when the gang uses force arbitrarily, violating individual rights then that is statism.  According to Ayn Rand, who concretely defined the term, statism is:

"A statist system—whether of a communist, fascist, Nazi, socialist or “welfare” type—is based on the . . . government’s unlimited power, which means: on the rule of brute force. The differences among statist systems are only a matter of time and degree; the principle is the same. Under statism, the government is not a policeman, but a legalized criminal that holds the power to use physical force in any manner and for any purpose it pleases against legally disarmed, defenseless victims."

We all know that the Jews are an organized crime syndicate, manipulating the political system to commit huge crimes (like 911) against the people, they get away with it because they control the media and the legal system where they do the crimes, in high density Jewish populated areas like New York City.  This Jewish political order, the New World Order as some call it, is Jewish statism.

The Jewess Ayn Rand failed to see the Jewish connection to statism, like most Jews she tended to defend her race and Israel whenever she could.  She never wrote about the religious connection to her outspoken commentary on collectivism - it is the Jew who invented the unlimited state with his imagined overbearing God Yahweh.  All must obey my God, the only God, and those who are not of my God must be wiped out.  Statism is sourced in the Old Testament, theological fascism caused by monotheistic belief.

Think about the tale of the flood myth in Genesis, Yahweh kills everyone except his chosen one Noah and his family.  This exclusionism is the essential theme of the Old Testament.  Obey my God or die.  The Jews took the world with that meme, because they got you to believe it.  The problem is the Jew is a tyrant and his myth false, no god destroyed the world with the flood, it absolutely did not happen.  The myth has been disproven by scientific research, but the bloodlust of Yahweh remains.