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Judea declares war on Venezuela

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Sept. 18, 2014

On August 2, 2014, David Harris, executive director of American Jewish Congress (AJC) slammed Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro, for comparing Israel’s 50-day war on Hamas-ruled Gaza with Auschwitz.

Instead of fighting anti-Semitism in the country, President Maduro seems intent on outdoing the hostility towards Israel of his predecessor, Hugo Chavez, and that’s saying a lot,” Harris said.

On March 24, 1933, the AJC was the first North American Jewish group which declared war on Germany. Last year, Jewish press reported that president Maduro said he could not be anti-Semite because he had Jewish family roots.

Pro-Israel British establishment is running a vicious campaign against Scottish referendum claiming that an independent Scotland is not feasible economically. A Harvard Zionist Jew professor has been running an anti-Venezuela war since late president Hugo Chavez broke country’s diplomatic relation with the Zionist entity on April 27, 2009 over Israel’s 23-day slaughter of Gaza people.

Professor Ricardo Hausmann (Harvard University) is a former minister of planning of Venezuela (1992-93) under American puppet regime defeated by Hugo Chavez. In an Op-Ed at the Jewish Boston Globe (September 18, 2014), entitled ‘Venezuela president is crafting a disaster’, he claimed that Madura’s economic policy has bankrupted the oil-rich nation.

In spite of high oil prices, the country has been running double-digit fiscal deficits for the past three years. Unable to find people to fund the gap, the Central Bank has been printing money as if it was going out of fashion. To prevent Venezuelans from taking all this Mickey Mouse money out of the country, bank officials instituted exchange controls. The (Jewish controlled) Wall Street, looking at this disaster unravel, has been treating Venezuelan bonds as among the riskiest in the world, demanding risk premiums that are twice those of Bolivia, four times those of Nigeria and 13 times those of Mexico or Chile,” Hausmann claimed.

President Madura has pulled down Hausmann’s dirty Zionist pants. In a speech late on Thursday, the socialist president accused Hausmann of being a “bandit” and mouthpiece for an international conspiracy against his government. Madura even threatened to sue Hausmann for slandering him without any objective proof. I bet, Madura, like anyone else, knows that he cannot bring Hausmann to court as long as the Zionist Jew lives in Israel’s American colony.

Even after getting rid of Israel’s No.1 enemy in South America, Hugo Chavez, the organized Jewry has failed to bring a pro-Israel regime change in Venezuela. Even though, Madura was able to defeat his Jewish opponent by only 2% margin – the president has been able to maintain Chavez’s anti-USrael foreign policy and socialism at home. He has maintained close relations with Iran, Russia, Cuba, Hamas and Hizbullah. Madura also has refused to recognize Ukraine’s Jewish regime installed and supported by the US and EU.

Madura might pull carpet under Jewish Lobby when Venezuela gets a seat on the UN Security Council this year. A majority of Latin American capitals and 120-member NAM have thrown their support behind Venezuela. This would be something even Chavez failed to achieve during his presidency.