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For the record, it is NOT THE JESUITS

Jim Stone

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Sept. 15, 2014

I do not know who spawned all the Jesuit B.S. that is circulating the web, but I am tired of it and would like to state in no uncertain terms: It is NOT THE JESUITS doing fake beheadings, tainted vaccines, or anything else, such as running a scam "federal reserve" and stealing 90 percent of taxes. And I can prove this with ease, so easily that anyone with three or more functioning neurons could "get it".

The Jesuits ARE NOT DOING IT ALL, because they do not own Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or any other media outlets, the Jews do, and if these outlets were running legitimate news, Isis would have been busted within three clock cycles of a broadcast compressor,(0.26 nanoseconds) and the fact that the media has sat there actively supporting the scam means that the same people running the media are running ISIS, and THAT would be the Jewish community.

To those whos job it is to sit there trolling the blogs spreading Jesuit B.S. I would like them to consider something: Consider it is super easy to document it is NOT THE JESUITS OR ANYONE ELSE running these beheading scams, since the Jesuits are an obscure group they make an easy scapegoat to fool idiots with. However,

ANYONE with a lick of sense would know that the silence in the media towards rigged elections, the illigitimate Federal Reserve, intentionally tainted autism causing vaccines, the shoddy state of the educational system, the destruction of the libraries, the real root behind the war on men, The 911 coverup and everything else we have been lied to about is COLD HARD PROOF THAT IT IS THE JEWS, THE JEWS AND NOTHING BUT THE JEWS DOING IT ALL, if they own the media and are negligently silent about all of these issues including these obviously fake beheadings it means they did it and that is all there is to it.


And don't sit there saying they are stupid or too innocent to see it all and THAT is why they can't figure it out, the group that brought us abortion certainly is not too innocent and if they can engineer a new strain of Ebola, they certainly are not stupid.