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The ‘Satanic Jews’ against Iran


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Alug. 29, 2014

On March 2, 2014, during his Saviours Day, Part 2 address, the leader of the Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan called the organized Jewry “Satanic Jews”.

The Satanic Jews that control everything and mostly everybody. If they’re your enemies, then you must be somebody. And if they have not been able to move you off your square; if they have thrown everything at you including ‘the kitchen sink’ – and may be the toilet too, he said.

Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a wealthy and influential Jewish leader in an interview he gave to Charles A. Weisman, said: No one in the last three decades has achieved any political power without Jewish approval. Americans have not had a real presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man and every president since him has been our man.

Many political-aware American scholars have come to the conclusion that a nuclear Iran will pose no threat to American interests in the Middle East. They believe that it’s country’s corrupt politicians and Evangelic leaders on the AIPAC payroll who want the White House to fight an Israel’s proxy war against Iran.

In December 2013, Rachel Maddow, MSNBC talk-show host, admitted that Jewish Lobby (AIPAC) is pushing for US-Iran War.

On August 26, 2014, former CIA counter-terrorism expert Philip Giraldi posted an article claiming that American Jewish billionaires with the help of Obama administration are preparing the groundwork for a future war with Iran for Israel.

There is a group of Jewish American billionaires who are apparently doing their best to make sure than negotiations with Iran go nowhere in the mistaken belief that they are doing what is best for Israel. And they would also appear to be assisted in their efforts by the White House, which is at the same time claiming that it wants the talks to be successful,” Giraldi said.

The power and wealth of the anti-Iran groups as well as their unrivalled access to the United States government means that a policy of détente with Iran, which would be a no brainer based on both American and Iranian interests, only proceeds by fits and starts with the US Congress and much of the media lined up solidly to stop the effort. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its affiliated educational foundation, which have focused on the “Iranian threat” over the past three years, have a combined budget of more than $90 million while AIPAC’s spin-off the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) has $8.7 million,” Giraldi said.

And then there is the Muhadedin-e-Khalq, the Iranian terrorist group that has assassinated at least six Americans and is now assisting the Israeli government in killing Iranian scientists, a prima facie definition of what constitutes terrorism. The group was on the State Department terrorist list from 1997 until 2012, when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton de-listed it in response to demands coming from friends of Israel in Congress as well as from a large group of ex government officials, many of whom were paid large honoraria by the group to serve as advocates. The paid American shills included former CIA Directors James Woolsey and Porter Goss, New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean, former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Louis Freeh and former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton. The promoters of MEK in congress and elsewhere claimed to be primarily motivated by MEK’s being an enemy of the current regime in Tehran, though its virulent anti-Americanism and terrorist history make it a somewhat unlikely poster child for the “Iranian resistance“,” Giraldi added.

Listen to Giraldi exposing the lie that Israel is America’s best ally in the Middle East.