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Absolute Must Watch/Listen: Miko Peled (son of Jewish General) Exposes Zionist Lies, double standards, apartheid laws, etc.

From Alex James

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Aug. 9, 2014


Miko Peled was born in Jersusalem into a famous and influential Israeli

Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the Israeli Army, of

which Miko also served his time. When Miko's niece was killed by Palestinian

suicide bombers, you may have expected the family to put Palestinians at

fault, but surprisingly they blamed the state of Israel, and their violent

torturing and persecution for driving people to such sadness that they would

take their own lives.


Through his father's deep knowledge of the Israeli war of terror, together

with his own research, Miko Peled ruins the myths surrounding the Israel and

Palestine situation, and delivers a truth so damning that many Jews and

Israel supporters will not be able to bear it. He reveals facts such as the

original expelled Jews are not the ones returning, and they are not their

descendants either, covers the double standards regarding the right of

return, which doesn't apply to Palestinians, and dispels the myth that there

has been a conflict for ages by producing proof that it was peaceful up

until 1947 when Israel launched their illegal attacks.


Miko is just one of the many modern day Jews against Zionism and the state

of Israel, and with the information he delivers in this astounding talk, it

is not difficult to see why more and more Jews are rejecting Zionism and

calling for the dismantling of Israel. It is a true eye-opener for anyone

who has for too long been blinded by the fake misinformation given by the

mainstream media, and the truths come straight from the heartland where he

has spent many years documenting the real story.




Published on Aug 7, 2014


 <> & DrDavidDuke Facebook



Dr. David Duke, former member of the House of Representatives and PhD in

History proves Israeli crimes of Genocide in Gaza by the Jewish state of





On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 10:52 PM, Alex James <>



Published on Jul 15, 2014


Highlights from a UK parliamentary debate in which MPs variously accused

Israel of war crimes, disproportionate violence, ruining peace negotiations

by building illegal settlements, running the worlds largest outdoor prison,

collective punishment, and attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply

centres and all manner of other civilian targets. I have edited out the

contributions of Foreign Secretary, William Hague, because nearly all of

them displayed a shameful lack of compassion for the sufferings of the

Palestinian people (Hague is a prominent member of an organisation called

the "Conservative Friends of Israel" and is well aware of the funding that

involvement brings to his party and his own political campaigns)



The debate took place on the 14th of July 2014