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June 8, 2014

Hi people
     Finally people who can do something are waking up.  "Israel" not only did what you see in the attachment, but they also did 911. 
In the thirty eight, and thirty ninth chapter of Ezekiel it talks about a nuclear war on America from Russia and China.  To have blood up to the bridal of a horse could only be a nuclear war.  If you doubt that the battle is to be in America go to Ezekiel 38, 39 get a map and see where it leads you.  George Washington also saw this war.  In the 1980s those of us who were awake  called it the battle in the wheat fields meaning Kansas.  I am watching what is going on between America, Russia and China very, very, very closely.  From everything I can get my hands on I would say that Putin is trying to see that this battle does not take place.  I believe you could call Russia "Christian" Russia today.  Putin has tried to run the Jews out of Russia. 
During the second world war Russia was run by Jews if one will take the time to find out.  It was not the Jews that could not leave Russia it was the people who were not Jews who could not leave Russia.  The Jews went into Germany, and plundered and raped the German women.  There orders were to rape every German woman they could.  They were also told to Kill, Kill, Kill which they did.  The Jews did not want even one German left alive.   
They did kill a lot, and Eisenhower a Jew, by his self saw that after the war over a million Germans died a horrible death.  It is all out there for anyone to find and read, so there is no excuse for any adult not to know.  From what I see Russia and America have changed roles of what they were.  But there are people who are trying to bring America back to the Republic that it was to be.  By the definition of what a nation is, America no longer even fits that definition.  From what I see people all over the world are waking up, and calling on Putin to intervene in what is going on and stop it. 
The people are NOT calling on America.  Putin is super smart, and seems to be doing things right.  No doubt Putin lived it and understands the history of Russia.  Russia has been a "Christian" nation before, and Putin is trying to get back there.  Doubt it start typing in the right words in your search engine and you will find out what Putin is doing.  Brother Nathanial is a great place to start.  Now look at the picture if you think people are not walking up. 
Mc Cain has a big, big problem, he just probably does not know it yet.  I have been hearing this human scum and the rest of them, are going to be put in the fema camps that they had planed for us, for a long time, perhaps it is about to happen.  When the people finally really know what this scum has done to us some may not make it to the fema camps.  It looks like things are finally on our side.  I feel like I have been in this a long time but there have been men and women long before me, and now finally people who can do something are waking up to the danger the world is in.  All of us, perhaps some of you who have taken flack over the years trying to warn the people, will I hope soon be vindicated.