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Dr. Elias Akleh

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May 4, 2014


 This anti-goyim, supremacist, racist, genocidal Judaic ideology had developed and imprinted a severe case of paranoid complex deep in the collective psyche of Jews, whose anti-goyim hate, treachery, unethical and immoral dealings produced a reactionary collective international anti-Jewish sentiment. Sorry Mr. Dershowitz it is the anti-goyimism in the Jewish collective psyche, not the anti-Semitism, that is the disease of the soul.


By Dr. Elias Akleh                            Intifada Palestine


During my graduate study of clinical psychology I learned about paranoia; a mental disorder inflicting individuals. This mental sickness is characterized by systematic delusions of persecution accompanied, many times, with delusions of grandeur and aggression towards others. I learned, later in life, that paranoia could also inflect a whole nation, such as Israel, and members of a specific religion, such as the Jews.

Since the beginning of their history the Jews had always complained about being hated, discriminated against, persecuted, and massacred. Jewish religious books, literature, school books, media outlets; newspapers, television, movies, routinely and constantly wail about their suffering in every part of this world and through every period of history. To perpetuate the memory of their suffering the Jews had erected Holocaust memorials in almost every western country, and had dedicated a wailing wall in Jerusalem.

Studying history through the last three thousand years, one cannot but realize the well established undeniable fact that Jews, as a group of people, had been subjected to hate and expulsion almost from every country of this world and during every time period starting when Abram (Abraham) had deserted his own people and country in Haran until the present. The Jews had been rejected and persecuted by every human race and by every other religion.

Christianity had rejected the Jews since its very beginning and had called them wicked murderers. Even the compassionate, loving, forgiving Jesus Christ had called them hypocrites, murderers of prophets, serpents and vipers (Mathew 23:33), “children of the devil” (John 8:44) and he prophesized: