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FW:  April 29, 2014

There was no mass slaughter of any kind perpetrated against the Jews of Europe. No Christian societies or groups ganged up on the Jews and brutalized them. Nor did any such societies or groups perpetrate mass extermination against them.

Diabolically, it was quite to the contrary. It was vile Zionist Jews who plotted against European Christians, as well as the Christian population of the Russian area, slaughtering them in massive numbers. While doing so Jewry was given extensive protection precisely against any such slaughter.

This was essential. An intact Jewish population was essential for the perpetration of the most diabolical hoax of all time, faking their deaths while murdering countless people throughout Europe and also in the Islaamic world. It was also necessary for the leaders of Zionism to be in full force, fully free, in order to orchestrate that other wretched plot, the establishment of the Zionist entity.

Regardless, how could Jewry be destroyed, some two-thirds of its European population, and still conquer Palestine? Moreover, how did they get slaughtered and simultaneously achieve that conquest? That is patently impossible.

Clearly and categorically, the Jews were not tormented, tortured, and/or brutalized, preferentially, during World War II. Nor were the murdered in large numbers. Rather, it was they who were the tormentors and murderers, primarily of the Christian people throughout Europe.


Six million slaughtered? How is that possible, when this amounts to some two-thirds of the total Jewish population, as of the mid-1930s? Where were all those bodies? Six million corpses is not something that would go without documentation, especially in that era of photography and film strips. Surely, the Zionist-run media outlets would have had opportunity to document those millions with its vast media resources.

There was nothing to document. The Jews made it through the war in good stead. Meanwhile, European Christians, particularly German ones, were murdered en masse:


In Dresden alone some 500,000 Christian Germans were murdered as a result of the Jewish war machine. Moreover, there are a number of non-fabricated pictures proving this to be the case versus the hoax photos used for the Holocaust. In many respects the lie of the Holocaust was an ideal kind of hoax, because it distracted the world from discovering the nature of the real source of the international violence that destroyed so many, which was Zionist Jews.

orchestra at Theresienstadt

Preferential treatment by all governments in Europe seemed to be the norm. In the European ‘concentration’ camps the above is not atypical, which is a Jewish orchestra entertaining residents, in this instance, Theresienstadt ‘Konzentrationslager’ Camp. The photo was taken by Kurt Gerron, Jewish wartime film producer (courtesy of