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Communism is Judaism

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April 20, 2013


Now you know why Judeo Christians are all communist. Stalin said he would ride communism in on the backs of Christians, and he did, done deal. No group was ever more uniquely endowed with the requisite  mindset for Communism than Christians are.



Communism is a quick version of Talmud.  What Communism is all about is on thing and one thing only – to control the state.  Once you control the state you control the secret police and this is the key to understand how so few Jews controlled the whole Soviet.

Communist, Jews, and non-Jews alike will tell you with tears in their eyes what a wonderful revolution it was in Russia 1917. It was NoT a revolution, it was a well planned coup and it was planned, financed and lead by Jews.  That it was a “revolution” is the Jew mafia propaganda lie.  Do never ever use the word “revolution” and Russia in any context.

Many people will tell you that it was a “revolution” and that lie is one of the major reason many non-Jews will tell you that communism is a good thing. “Revolution” is Jewish propaganda nonsense for dimwits.  Do not ever use the word “revolution” and Russia in any context.

When you tell people that it was Jews who run Soviet they will tell you it had nothing to do with them being Jews, they just “happened” to be Jews, and beside that, the Jews was so few, how could they control all the Russians?

Nearly all of the Project for the New American Century signators are Jews, just as in Russia, the Jewish revolutionaries are hidden behind a banner.
Nearly all of the Project for the New American Century signators are Jews, just as in Russia,
the Jewish revolutionaries are hidden behind a banner, this time they are calling them Neoconservatives,

but they are neither conservative or new, they are Jewish traitors hell bent on getting power.

The answer is that most people don’t understand what political power really is. Most people think if they vote every four years, that is how political power works. We have all been told the blessing of “Democracy” all our life so naturally most people have never given how political power really works a second thought.  You don’t get power – you take power.

How did the Jews take power in Russia 1917?  The Jews killed the whole secret police and replaced them with Jews and a few trusted non-Jews. The next step is to go to all the military commanders and tell them that you got their entire family looked up, and if they don’t obey the whole family will be killed. If they refuse they are shoot on the spot and the next in line is promoted or simply replaced by a Jew.

Now you control the secret police plus a big chunk of all the armed forces in Russia. Now you can turn the guns at the people. Would you say you had power now? This is exactly what the jews did, they took power by taking over the secret police. This you will never read in any propaganda text and no communist will tell you this either. Why? Because all the Communist Jews want people to think of when it comes to Soviet is the “revolution”,  not how they really did take power over Russia and re-named her Soviet.

