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German Intel Agency Paid Neo-Nazi Mole $240,000

Press TV with Veterans Today

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April 16, 2014

(Editor’s note: For some time, Veterans Today has been investigating ties between far right wing and neo-Nazi groups who have been taking direction from the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) headed by Abe Foxman, the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) and AIPAC, the Israeli lobby.

We now have proof of how the funds are being moved, through German intelligence agencies, not just the BfV but, if Michael Shrimpton is correct, the DVD as well.

We had long noted the bizarre coordinated attacks on Veterans Today and its editorial staff, attacks that cited VT for having “too many Jews” on staff and, at the same time, accusing Veterans Today of being anti-Semitic.

As Jim Dean so often says, “You just can’t make these things up.”

Now we can finally establish the money ties, the role Germany plays in coordinating American neocon and Nazi movements with Israel and their powerful lobby in the US.

Current intelligence flooding in ties these organizations to an attempted false flag dirty bomb attack on the London Olympics, the theft and marketing of nuclear triggers and the transfer of fissionable material and weapons designs to North Korea.

The confirmations on this are multiple, high level and inexorable.

Thus, NOTHING is being done…other than attempts to silence those seeking to protect the security of Great Britain and the United States.

Toward that extent, we have reliable information that the UK is now setting up secret tribunals intended to deal with individuals who have been named as suppliers of stolen nuclear technology, British residents, and to make provisions for outlining defacto complicity by two former British heads of state, one, Margaret Thatcher, who was duped into funding a project that led to the theft of three nuclear weapons.

Overtly, it seems as though Germany is funding Nazi groups to help Israel identify “threats” inside the US.  However, the varying organizations, the ADL and such, bilk, not only American Jews but major corporations out of billions in order to fund witch hunts as a cover for infiltration of American police agencies and payoffs to politicians.

The simple answer is this:

Israel has simply directed Germany to build, not only anti-Semitic groups to help them scare American Jews but also to create a basis for creating right wing terror cells to facilitate false flag operations such as Sandy Hook, Ft. Hood, 9/11 and so many others that the pop culture controlled press is ordered to suppress.

It has been obvious for some years, the extent Israel’s actions deeply parallel those the entertainment industry continually attributes to “Hitler and his henchmen” or “Islamic extremists.”

Don’t expect to read about it and, even when the proof is right there, expect to see it “spun” into “fairyland.”

Remember Sandy Hook.)

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Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz (BfV), has been grilled over paying a neo-Nazi informer linked to a far-right terrorist group a wage of almost a quarter of a million dollars.

The head of a parliamentary committee tasked with investigating a string of murders allegedly carried out by the German neo-Nazi group, the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), confirms the account, The Associated Press reported.

Lawmaker Sebastian Edathy said on Monday that the report correspond to the information submitted to his committee.

Edathy said the payments, made over 18 years and totaling €180,000 ($240,000), were paid to a man identified as Thomas R.

German-language weekly Bild am Sonntag first reported the payments, and prompted German opposition politicians together with anti-Nazi campaigners to level strident criticism at the BfV.

In late October 2012, German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said over 100 neo-Nazis are still at large, and are hiding somewhere in the country.

Friedrich told German-language newspaper Die Welt that despite measures to crack down on far-right extremists in the wake of a probe into serial killings blamed on neo-Nazis, dozens of suspects had been able to get away.

“The Federal Crime Office estimates that as of mid-September, 110 rightwing extremists with outstanding arrest warrants have gone underground,” he said.

“Again and again you have seen there can be a revolving door in the rightwing extremist scene between violent and terrorist elements,” Friedrich said. “We must gird ourselves against this.”

German law enforcement agencies have warned that attacks by neo-Nazi extremists on foreigners, prominent politicians, and police officers are a growing threat.