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April  8, 2014

What would you do if you were a Jew? Would you go along with the ‘tribe’ and do all the Jew things or would you try to be a good person, recant and distance yourself?

How would you have learned what a good person is anyhow? I suppose that would depend on how you grew up. If you had been raised in an orthodox or ultra-orthodox Jewish community, you would have been taught that good and bad mainly depends on whether your actions are good or bad ‘for the Jews’. In practice, that boils down to the question if the consequences of your actions are good for at least one Jew’s hip-pocket, yours. After all, being a ‘good Jew’, you have also been taught to share your loot with your brethren, by donating generously to some ‘good’ Jewish cause.

If you had grown up as a secular or reformed Jew, the situation would have been slightly different. Secular and reformed Jews normally don’t teach their children unadulterated Kosher Nostra beliefs like everything goes as long as the victim is not a Jew. They are more subtle. For those people it’s more like, if you look after the ‘tribe’, the ‘tribe’ will look after you. But, if you are really desperate for money, and which Jew isn’t, you still might end up joining the Kosher Nostra.

So what are the chances of a Jewish kid to become a good person? What is a good person anyhow? Someone who doesn’t get caught doing the wrong thing?

My view has always been that a good person treats everyone the way he would like to be treated if he was in their shoes. A good person is kind to others as a matter of principle, not because he hopes to somehow benefit from it.

That’s why I came up with the question for this article in the first place. Running an outspoken anti-Jewish website, I often wonder how I would like to be treated if I was a Jew.

The problem with growing up as a Jew is that you probably wouldn't have a clue that there is anything wrong with you. If you were raised in an orthodox or ultra-orthodox Jewish community, you would have been taught that ‘goyim’ are just there to serve and enrich you. You would feel no more guilt towards them than let’s say a farmer or a butcher towards a chicken, pig or cow. Even if you grew up as a reformed or secular Jew, you still would have been brainwashed to believe that Jews have always been the victims and the only reason why – at times, like now - they have the upper hand is because they are so much more intelligent and thrifty than everybody else. Either way, you have no qualms about trying to ‘outsmart’ the non-Jews, like a doctor who abuses the trust of his patients by prescribing them treatments that won’t help them but will make him rich.

It’s a tricky question, so let me first ask something easier. How would you want to be treated by your parents, teachers and society if you were a teenager on the path to becoming a crook? Most people would immediately answer: with compassion and tough love.

Now, here comes a real challenge, and I don’t have all the answers. How do you show Jews compassion and tough love?

I know we are running out of time and there are numerous Jews out there, like Evelyn Rothschild, President Obama, and Benjamin Netanyahu, who deserve nothing but a firing squad. But there are many others who - for the sake of human survival - must be immediately removed from any position of power and influence, if necessary even quarantined, but then - for ethical reason - should receive a case by case examination of their personal guilt. I realise we still have a long way to go to get to the stage where we can actually do this. In the meantime, without any false politeness and embellishment, the truth must be told about the ‘tribe’. That’s how I would like to be treated if I was a Jew. I would like to be clearly shown the error of my ways so I can rethink my life, change it, and rejoin humanity.

orthodox jews fight jews