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Imagine: A World Without Jews

The Rebel

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March 25, 2014

Have you ever thought about why our ruling parasites officially abolished slavery in the 19th century? Because slaves are too expensive, even if you are Jewish and buy your slaves from a Jewish slave dealer at half price. Once they bought a slave they had to take well care of him to maximise the return on investment. They had to provide him with healthy food, clothing, accommodation and basic entertainment to keep him happy and healthy to ensure a long, productive life.

It’s far cheaper to hire a ‘free’ man, create circumstances that make him so desperate for a job that he has no choice but accept a salary so low that it’s just enough to survive the next 24 hours and show up again for work. And if that’s still too expensive, you offer his wife a job, for half the money. She’ll gladly accept because it means she has some extra cash to provide her family with a more comfortable life. But then our ruling parasites fire her husband and tell him he can only get it back if he works for the same pay as his wife. That way our ruling parasites have two people, husband and wife, working for them for the same money they previously had to pay the husband alone while his wife stayed at home to look after the kids.

It’s the Jews’ way. When a Gentile rides his horse from A to B, he stops whenever it gets tired. He feeds and waters it and gives it rest until it is refreshed. A Jew, on the other hand, rides his horse until it drops dead and steals a new one.

Gentiles and Jews have completely opposite worldviews and ambitions. Gentiles want a prosperous, happy life for all.  Jews want Jewish World Domination. Gentiles want to keep the fruits of their honest work.  Jews don't want to work but screw us with taxes, interest and all sorts of other fraudulent scams instead. Gentiles want to eat healthy and tasteful food. Jews want to poison us with ‘food’ that makes us fat, dumb and infertile. Gentiles want to prosper in security and peace. Jews want to profiteer from chaos and war.

Gentiles can’t have what they want while there are any Jews around. Living in a society with Jews free to do their thing is like living in a pit filled with poisonous snakes.

This is a battle of the visions. The Jewish vision of a Jewish World Order versus the Gentile vision of a fair go for everyone.  For us Gentiles to succeed we must first destroy the Jewish vision. We have to create a world without Jews.
