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Jewish Full Spectrum Dominance and How to Deal With it in the Dissident Community

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FW  March 24, 2104

It’s all part and parcel of Jewish Full Spectrum Dominance. Any political movement of even the slightest political traction gets infiltrated, even the most unlikely, such as the American pro-gun rights movement. Then, Jewish funding and cross-promotion kick in, until all positions of power and influence are occupied by Jews or Gentiles married to one. It’s how the Jews have successfully ‘conquered’ country after country, starting in the 18th century, and ruled us ever since.

The purpose of Jewish Full Spectrum Dominance is to give us the illusion of freedom and democratic participation. Slaves do work the hardest if they believe they are free. By controlling every single political movement, even those which seem – on the surface – very hostile towards Jews, they are keeping us on a leash. If we are pulling too strongly or bark too loudly then they strangle, muffle and isolate us. Rebel of Oz