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FW:  March 19, 2014


This is something I wanted to do for a long time. I always held back, because there are obviously risks associated with doing this, but I believe it is necessary to think through some of our options for solving the Jewish problem.  There is no point whinging and whining about the Jews doing this and the Jews doing that, but then not considering any solutions. So here we go.

Doing nothing

Doing nothing is not an option. History, most recently the examples of Germany and the United States, has clearly shown what happens to societies where Jews are allowed to thrive. The Jewish infestation of nations invariably ends with the parasites using the loot from their countless societally harmful but highly profitable endeavours to strangle, control, pervert and corrupt their host societies.  In the end, those societies self-destroy and the parasites switch host.


This has been tried hundreds of times. England is a good example which demonstrates that it’s only a matter of time until the Jews come back through bribes and the financing of revolutions, civil wars and invasions. Once they are back, they take revenge of their opponents and the people gets terrorised into submission.


The Germans tried that and it didn’t work. While at first it seemed like the Jews renounced some of their most odious, supremacists beliefs, it really was never more than lipstick on a pig. The Jewish leadership, while officially preaching assimilation, secretly worked with their brethren abroad and overseas. The moment the ‘King of the Jews’, Lord Rothschild received the promises laid out in the infamous Balfour Declaration, Jews in Germany repaid the Germans’ kindness and hospitality by backstabbing them and turning certain victory into humiliating defeat.


The German example during WWII shows that internment cannot work if not performed on a concerted, world-wide basis. If only some countries took this measure, the Jews abroad would use their considerable resources to destroy those countries and make things worse than before.  Even if internment was conducted on a world-wide basis, there would always be the risk of a change of policy in one or the other country, due to the lobbying of closet Jews and ambitious non-Jews hoping to reap benefits from releasing the Jews. This risk would grow over time because of reduced vigilance, especially if the interned Jews were allowed to reproduce. As a precaution, forced sterilisation would have to be considered.


Given the Jewish ability to bribe and deceive, it is highly unlikely that all Jews would be killed.  The drastic nature of this measure would result in the highest possible escape rate. With nothing to lose, Jews would take even the most desperate measures to bring about a change of policy or at least facilitate their own and other Jews’ escape.  Compassionate non-Jews would feel compelled to help perceived ‘righteous’ Jews. The survivors, as the example of Spain shows us, would remain in the closet for as long as necessary but then openly resume their parasitic lifestyle.

Cancellation of citizenship

Highly effective measure because it would make it possible to reduce the Jewish ability to assume certain critical positions of power and acquire strategic assets. This could be done without blatantly discriminating against Jews. Ideally, all Jews - as any non-citizens - would be excluded from any position of power or influence, such as public office, public service, education, banking, finance, media, legal system, land ownership etc.

Seizing of assets

Again, this is a highly effective measure because it would make it far more difficult for Jews to use money for bribery purposes or the buying of political influence. An added advantage would be that it could be easily justified – ethically and legally - as a means of compensating victims and returning illegally acquired assets to their rightful owners. 


The purpose of this no-nonsense exercise is NOT to provide recommendations but a starting point and guidance for a thorough discussion of how to deal with the Jewish threat. While the severity of the threat certainly warrants considering all options, our discussion needs to take into account the ethics and practicality of the proposed measures. Whatever ethical and political framework we choose for that purpose, we must always ask ourselves the question how WE would like to be treated if WE were the Jews.