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Ukrainian Crisis: Jew STANK From The START

Brother Nathan Kapner

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March 5, 2014

The Jew, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, mob-baiting “technocrat” and now acting Prime Minister of Ukraine. Secretary of State, John Kerry (real family name: Kohn) just flew in, promising him a billion out of America’s taxpayers. Looks like the SOB above would have fit right in with Trotsky and Lenin! [INCOG]

By Brother Nathan Kapner


Victoria Nuland, Crypto-Creepo Jewess in the US State Department. She’s married into the war mongering Zionist Jew neocons responsible for America’s Zio intanglements everywhere. (INCOG)

NOW THAT VICTORIA NULAND (born Nudelman, married to neocon Jew Kagan), got Yatz The Yid to head Kiev’s illegitimate regime, the IMF can easily loot Ukraine.

The IMF, as an organized arm of Jewish banking, has two jackboots. Alternately they trample on the people. They work in a coordinated cadence.

First the left jackboot reels out the credit and hooks the impoverished and desperate borrower on the credit bait.

This is the loan phase. It’s a soft kick with honey-coated poison as its bait.

When the debtors, like Ukraine, abandoning help from Christian Putin, can’t service the debt, they reel them in with the right jackboot of austerity, cutting pensions and social services, devaluation of currency, higher taxes and utilities, foreclosure and privatization.

This is the looting phase. Inflation and recession don’t cause loss. They cause transfer to Jews.

Yatz The Yid (Arseniy Yatsenyuk) is Jewry’s perfect proxy. He’s begging for money.

“Yatz” vows that Kiev will meet all the demands that the Washington-based IMF wants to enslave Ukraine with.