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John Kaminski

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Feb. 5, 2014

Why yes, Sahib! Your religion is the only genuine system of belief, the one true path to your impeccable Holy Father and his eternal salvation. All those other people pimping all those other creeds and belief systems are frauds, degenerates, perverts and infidels! They are misled by deluded charlatans who only want to build amusement parks and hire prostitutes on the sly. 


You are right and proper to want to kill them all, because their erroneous pronouncements profane the holy essence of the one true God, which is yours and no one else's. All these inferior and miseducated misanthropes are biological garbage who need to be swept from the Earth like so much cockroach dung, or, at least, they need to be shackled into slavery in hopes of reeducating them into a proper relationship with our master, our one true glorious and holy Almighty Being.


Hóla muchacho! What is wrong with this picture? 


It is a formula for constant and perpetual strife, as the various permutations of the force that created life on this planet are twisted into weapons of war and persecution for all those who wish to deny their own deaths and insist that only they exclusively possess the magic formula for eternal life.


How anyone can insist that legends spawned in specific locations and conditions are appropriate for all locations and conditions is the height of human hubris. The epitome of small-minded human ignorance.


And even though religion is often merely a cynical cover story for robbery camouflaged by mystical rhetoric, this freighted formula appears to be the root cause of all sectarian strife around the world — my god is better than your god! 


Yet, self-righteous rage and violent vengeance against the name of an unfamiliar deity, or the color of someone's skin different than one's own, are only surface factors in the epidemic of wars between neighbors that have raged since time began and look to continue on forever. 


These rationales for aggression actually achieve the opposite of their original aim by neglecting to focus on the key element of all discord, which are the agents who ignite these conflicts, without whom most of these clashes would never occur.


Constant bickering about religion and race blurs the lurking presence of a single manipulative force — Judaism, the influence of the money changers, and the power of profit — that is systematically wiping out all preferences necessary to the maintenance and stability of the family structure, which is the cornerstone of all coherent and protective nation states. The objective of this tactic is to gain control over everyone in the world.


Mom plus Dad equals kids. Without that formula, humanity will no longer exist. Without natural procreation and family warmth, the hominid life form will become something lesser, something grayer, whose smile will always be disingenuous and whose loyalties will always be in question. 


Jews promote homosexuality, single parent households, artificial life. They will do anything to destroy the family unit, because that is the way they are taking control of the world.


As society is atomized into disconnected individuals whose allegiance is to no one and no thing except their own profit and their own egotistical satisfaction, all people have nowhere to turn but to the all-powerful state for their emotional security. The Jews are always right there, ready to assist all those who would abandon their cherished values and turn to the smiling kosher deceivers for comfort, which will never be found. The fractional reserve lending scam in which the debt incurred for the apparent favor bestowed can never be paid off will make sure of that.


And this is the death grip now suffocating the world, on every level of life.


It's a variation of the Stockholm syndrome, in which kidnap victims are coerced into loving their captors and loving their captivity. Techno zombies tattoo themselves to smithereens to deny they miss their families, never realizing that this has all been scripted by the Jewish philosophers of the Frankfurt School who convince idealistic youngsters that selfless Communism is best for the masses. Those who are taken in by the scheme fail to see that the real goal of Communism is to obliterate families and allow warped Jewish scientists peddling feel good drugs to take control of society.


The standardized regimentation of corporatization seemed to give us better food and more conveniences in the latter part of the 20th century, but further study revealed that the food we thought was better was really poison, and the glut of conveniences that eventually ruled our lives made us impotent without the power grid to provide our food. It has turned most of the towns we live in into rusted and decaying cadavers, macabre monuments paying no heed to the future, whose malnourished inhabitants prefer stimulation and sensuality to sanity and common sense.


The parable of the grasshopper and the ant comes to mind.


I often think back to a perceptive passage I read years ago that noted that the real survivors once technological society has destroyed itself will be those aboriginal cultures we've long looked down our noses at and denigrated as uncivilized. After all, they are the ones who will find their familiar shade and sustenance in their beloved forest canopy, while the billions of modern droids will fry like spam in a can in their skyscrapers and underground cities, unable to feed themselves or survive in the wild once the power goes out for good.


I hadn't meant to paint such a dark and dire portrait of our predicament, although thanks to the manipulations of these kosher perverts who forever enflame discord and exploit tragedy for profit, our current reality has truly become both dark and dire.


The story I had set out to write was meant to answer the question of why and how one small ethnic group, through guile and deceit, had taken control of the world, causing misery and pain for the vast majority of humanity, and a glib, insane masturbatory frenzy among the 2 percent that had seized control of virtually all the world's resources, including almost all of its currency.


How could it be, I asked myself, that such a small cohort of clever sociopaths could have hoodwinked the entire human species into pawning every thing they owned for small piles of currency about the size of what the Indians got for Manhattan Island?


There can be no misinterpretation here. It is clear the transaction was not understood equally by both parties, which is why today we have a U.S. national debt measured in the hundreds of trillions of dollars owed to a Judaic overclass that did nothing to earn that payment other than master the finer points of swindling and the swill-headed public relations so essential to its success.


So here we are in what could be the final hours of humanity — depending on whether a few minor factors in any number of potential catastrophes will suddenly blossom into unprecedented hell — and all of humanity is in a helluva fix. Jews control everything, and are slowly exterminating an increasingly comatose and oblivious non Jewish public.


We've identified the pathological criminal perpetrators, and yet because of superficial differences among the enemies of Judaism, Jews are in firm control of every aspect of human activity — from the law to medicine to education to entertainment to manufacturing to art to politics and most especially, to control of money. America's money is totally controlled by a private corporation completely owned by Jews, a situation that has existed for more than a hundred years.


No other explanation is needed to explain why a decaying America is mired in poverty and most other countries around the world are in the same situation, except maybe to note that Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, which has guided Hillary Clinton throughout her career, lists driving the population into poverty as perhaps the key element in achieving total socialistic control of every person on the planet.


Those few writers, historians and intellectuals who have possessed the intellectual integrity to realize that the history of the 20th century was actually a story of the insane self-destructiveness of Jewish subversion which got people to believe that wrong was right and evil was good are vastly outnumbered by the misguided pseudo intellects brought up in school systems utterly controlled by Jewish censors who now dominate the Internet, warning of a new Nazi threat without ever once realizing that Nazi is a Jewish term used to unfairly characterize the good Germans who were duped into subservience and then annihilated by Jews.


As the Holocaust Revisionists preach truth amid a colossal avalanche of Jewish lies, the general populace put its finger to the wind and decides it mostly will not listen to those who have studied Jewish perfidy. It prefers to take the easy way out so as not to offend its neighbors, who have decided to wave their flags and pay their taxes no matter how many innocent people its government murders or how many of its neighbors are spirited away in the middle of the night for criminal charges that are never fully explained.


Those poverty stricken resisters who are left to explain the rising tide of murderous behavior by the American government against the American people are themselves divided and confused by the same conflicts that befuddle the ordinary airheads who haven't been paying attention for most of their lives.


Those legitimately in the opposition — as opposed to those only pretending to be in opposition, because it's either fashionable or they're getting paid to spy on others — make the choice to go with what they are familiar with, which is generally either allegiance to religion or to race.


This decision fragments and cripples the opposition, who spend all their time arguing over the finer points of procedure while the Jews laugh at the stupidity of the confused, cognitively dissonant goyim, who eternally fail to get their priorities straight. 


The bottom line is this: nothing gets fixed as long at the 9/11 lie is allowed to remain in place and in force. The lies necessary to prop up this horrible fiction will destroy America, no question about it.


Those who oppose Jewish control of the United States must put their religious and racial preferences aside and focus on dislodging the Jews from their positions of control. This should be a simple task. All we need to do is recount the crimes Jews committed and are committing.


To continue to focus on doctrinal differences in religious matters and the irritating habits of other races is only to take your eye off the ball, and allow the Jews to exacerbate differences between groups who remain continually unable to present a united front throughout the world to get the Jews out of power once and for all.


The hive mind is the tomb of humanity. Political correctness is the curriculum of your prison sentence, what you are compelled to slobber in order to be allowed to exist in this kosher gulag called America. There will be no independent thinking allowed here, no critical examination of the lies that have in one single century turned the world from a boundless cornucopia of hope into a strait-jacketed ward of Jewish medicine's penitentiary for the clinically insane, where all creeds and all colors are molded into a long gray line of emaciated inmates who can no longer think at all.




John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.