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Organized Jewry concerned about rising 'anti-Semitism'

John Friend

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Feb. 1, 2014

Elie Wiesel, one of the leading propagandists promoting and perpetuating the fake Jewish "Holocaust" narrative of WWII and an ardent supporter of the Jewish state of Israel, is upset about the rising popular resistance to Jewish supremacism and tyranny in the Western world, according to the Israeli daily Ynetnews.

In an interview with Dr. Yoel Rappel for the Israeli daily, Wiesel conceded that anti-Semitism "will likely never be defeated." Of course, "anti-Semitism" is a direct result of Jewish treachery, criminality, and subversion. Where ever Jews go, "anti-Semitism" inevitably follows, because sooner or later non-Jews get fed up with Jewish behavior.


Ynetnews reports:
[...] Prof. Wiesel, who coined the eternal expression "Not all victims were Jews, but all Jews were victims," examines every significant occurrence with an overall view of world peace. To the same extent, he meticulously examines whether the memory of the Holocaust has been engraved in people's minds, and whether there is a danger that the events of 1939-1945 will repeat themselves, and the world – as it was during those years – will be indifferent and silent.

"The Holocaust is a unique event, but it has a universal significance which must be memorized incessantly," he says, voicing concerns over the temptation of Iran's nuclear ability and the civil war in Syria, which has already claimed a price of 150,000 deaths. And the world is silent.

The unstoppable conversation between us has been going on for several years now, but the murky wave of anti-Semitism sweeping over the Western world, as well as Eastern Europe (with the recent incidents in Hungary and Ukraine), are fresh and extract statements with despair running through them.

"Unfortunately, anti-Semitism still exists," Wiesel says. "It has been alive for more than 2,000 years, and will likely continue living. I thought that the memory of the Holocaust would shame those boasting anti-Semitic opinions. I was wrong. It still exists in different countries, and it seems people are no longer ashamed to be anti-Semitic." [...]

Given the wide array of crimes the Jews have committed against us, not to mention the disgusting, perverse social and cultural agendas championed and promoted by organized Jewry, it is about time "people are no longer ashamed to be anti-Semitic."

The organized Jewish community and pro-Israel lobby are responsible for all of the disastrous wars the United States military and her NATO allies are currently fighting in the Middle East and southern Asia, which were initiated as a direct result of the events of 9/11 - an elaborate false flag terrorist attack planned, organized, and executed largely by Jewish criminals controlling the mass media and political establishment in the United States which was then blamed on Muslims in order to kick start the fraudulent "Global War on Terror". The entire "Homeland Security" paradigm is also a direct result of the events of 9/11, and it too is essentially a Jewish racket serving Jewish interests, first and foremost.

Then we have the planned destruction of the United States economy, which has been accomplished over time through the various free trade agreements enacted by the federal government in order to benefit large corporate interests with ties to the international banking community. The 2008 financial crisis and subsequent meltdown of the U.S. economy was a direct result of the criminal practices of Wall Street banks and other international financial institutions, most of which are owned, managed, and controlled by Jewish plutocrats.

Jewish radicals and the Jewish mass media and "entertainment" complex are responsible for the promotion and elevation of homosexuality, transgenderism, sexual debauchery and promiscuity, and other perverse social and cultural movements, which have thoroughly debased and perverted our culture. Organized Jewish groups have promoted massive non-White immigration to traditionally White Western European countries, including the United States, and have fostered an extremely anti-White political and educational environment, resulting in White displacement and disenfranchisement.

Due to the Jewish control of information and education, our history has been weaponized and used against us. The mass media and Hollywood, totally controlled by Jewish financial and political interests, have systematically engaged in psychological warfare against the non-Jewish world, and have created an artificial reality and entirely fabricated history we are expected to accept.

And finally, it appears people are fed up. They are sick and tired of Jewish criminality and tyranny.

So again, it's about time people woke up to what the Jews have been up to, and expressed their "anti-Semitism" openly and unabashedly.