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War gear: Weaponry & armor of rioters in Kiev (PHOTOS)


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Jan. 24, 2014

Ron: This is how the Jews started their Bolshevik COUP in Russia in 1917. Most Russian Christians DID NOTHING! They just watched the Jews murder the Russian Christians who resisted them. First the Jews came for the Police; then they came for the government officials; then they came for the Tsar and his family, and finally they came for the Russian Christians who had just watched the proceedings. The result? Alexandr Solzhenitsyn says that five million Jews murdered 66 million Russian Christians and starved to death 10 million Ukrainian Christians in the Holodomor. Amerikkans who smugly think that it won't happen to them need to think again, The Bolshevik Jews who are organising this bloody pseudo revolution (ie COUP attempt) in Kiev actually live in the US and control it and so YOUR turn is coming USans. For some insight into how the Jews who control the US organise and create pseudo "democratic" coups in foreign countries see eg: How Wall Street Manipulates & Manufactures Atrocities (and the articles referenced therein) at See also: Aung San Suu Kyi: complicity with tyranny at regards what Jews do whan they obtain power, Alexander Solzhenitsyn , Nobel Prizewinner and author of The Gulag Archipelago, in a speech in Washington in 1975 said of the Soviet Bolshevik Soviet system which was deemed worthy of recognition as an Alliy fighting 'for Democracy' against 'Dictators' in WWII:

    "This was a system which, in time of peace, artificially created a famine causing SIX MILLION PERSONS to die in the Ukraine between 1932 and 1933. They died on the very threshold of Europe. And Europe didn't even notice it. The world didn't even notice it. SIX MILLION PERSONS!"

    (Alexander Solzhenitsyn Speaks to the West (1978) p 16)

    Ukrainians would do well to remember the Holodomor and what happened to their brother Russians under the Jews. ].