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Flashpoint America: Surviving a Traffic Stop Confrontation with an Anti-Government Extremist

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FW:  Dec. 6, 2013

When you understand why the Jews have spent billions on transporting, training and indoctrinating American police you will have deconstructed the most vital aspect of the NWO: the sophisticated, multi-generational war on the West being conducted by the elite of world Jewry. The great vendetta. Any awakening of the common man of the West to this war of annihilation, waged by means of uncontrolled immigration, environmental slow kill and cultural sleaze, will begin among the common folk in what is termed flyover country. The police in every state, even in places as seemingly incapable of revolt as Utah County, have thus been queued-up and brought to a pitch of preparedness to deal with such dangerous, seditious rednecks. Thank God for the A.D.L. (article below), the S.P.L.C. and the willing-learner American police establishment, not to mention the Israeli Defense Force and Mossad. All have done their part to insure that the American Resistance, if such ever forms, will be dealt with quickly and quietly.   -D.W.