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Kaminski: The Hitler test - comment thread

John Kaminiski

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Nov. 11, 2013

Some people insist you're a really smart guy, but I've always regarded you as either a fraud or an idiot for constantly trying to disparage the achievements of Hitler and the Germans with speculations that can neither be proven nor dis-proven. As such you are doing the work of the Jews by creating this needless distraction that obscures the two most important facts about World War II — that Hitler did in fact create an economic miracle by excluding the international bankers from the German equation, and that Holohoax hysteria has all these years been constructed to cover up the mass murder of millions of Germans and the permanent enslavement of their country perpetrated by the three Jewish co-conspirators — the U.S., Britain and the Soviet Union.

Even more importantly, your constant crowing that castigates Hitler obscures the exact program — Hitler's program — that could rescue the world from this worldwide Jewish financial strangulation that now threatens all life on this planet

Your continuing slanders against Hitler's motivations imply your endorsement of this kosher murder plot against Germany by the Jews. If you are an honest man — and I doubt that — you should talk to some non Jewish Germans who will tell you in no uncertain terms how all Germans were lifted spiritually by Hitler's sense of honor and nobility. But instead, you choose to embellish the Jewish lies you have been told about him, and continue to prattle on, igniting doubts where there need be none about Hitler's noble and admirable achievements.

The paranoid aspersions you continue to cast on a genius who saw the world's major problem and dealt with it better than any other leader in world history indicate to me that you are more concerned with creating this cottage industry for yourself than in recognizing the real injustices that sent the world in the wrong direction, for the facts remain irrefutable that if the Jews are not deflected from their goal of worldwide financial hegemony, no one on this planet has any chance of ever attaining true freedom and liberty.

Hitler allowed the Germans to at least experience a small taste of it before they were crushed by those hyenas known as Jews mobilizing all the criminal politicians of the world to feast on the smoldering carcass of Germany. And look where this result has taken us — to endless war and the end of freedom, courtesy of your Jewish masters.

Your efforts to sabotage Hitler's reputation are, I'm sure, warmly welcomed by the Jews as they sniff at the carcasses of the humans they prey upon. You're doing the work of the Jews, Jim, and not smart enough — nor noble enough — to see the damage you have done to those who hope to be free and neutralize this Jewish monster that is consuming all life on this planet.

I'd appreciate it if you didn't respond to this; you've wasted enough of everyone's time. Before you ever wrote your last note I had grown weary of your specious sabotage and your subtle support of Jewish propaganda. I regard you as a psychopathological pariah, dissuading honest scholars from comprehending the real lessons of World War II and Jewish perfidy with your superfluous and irrelevant slander.

With disdain for your efforts, I remain

John Kaminski

On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 10:24 PM, wrote:

    "And now we see this process repeating itself endlessly in the killings of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi, two leaders who were put in power by the world financial ogre, but who tried to break away and do what was best for their people, only to be obliterated by the same Jewish monster that is now obliterating us."    

    Satyam -- (is it proper to address you this way? I'm not completely sure what Satyam means as you use it)    

    (I haven't had time to look at the massive documentation you sent in the one email, but I did read through Kaminski's article.)    

    The above quote from John Kaminski's article is relevant: Some leaders are raised to power by the J-Conspiracy, and then later DEMONIZED, --- PRECISELY to destroy the targeted people.    

    Saddam Hussein is an obviousl case. SO IS HITLER. Regardless of Hitler's intentions at any given juncture, and his attempts to derail the Rothschilds plans, and, in effect, overthrow the top J-Conspiracy -- the fact remains that he was always brought back into line, by whatever means. Because of the "walking demon" Hitler -- the US and Russia "had to destroy" the German people. Just as "Saddam is "so bad, it justifies destroying the Iragi people."    

    Please, I beg all of you, take off the blinders and realize this side of the Hitler story. No matter how eloquent are Hitler's speeches, memos, declarations -- you must also look at this actions -- all of them.    

    The prosperity for Germany from 1933 to 1939 are NOT proof that Hitler was fighting the Rothschilds at that time.    

    The Plan: WW I -- have Jewish leaders on all sides declare Germany the loser (not really true), levy impossible fines and war reparations against Germany (with the agreement of the Jews representing the Kaiser) and take part of Germany (Danzig corrider, et al) so that such a theft can be a "cause of war" later. More than one commentator have said that the Versailles Treaty looked like a 20 years truce between world wars. Impeccable reporter and historian Douglas Reed said that Versailles looked like various Jewish men in pinstriped suits, representing all the countries.    


    1. Humiliate Germany via the Versailles Treaty.    

    2. Cause hyper-inflation in Germany, making the currency worthless, and furthering humiliating the German people.    

    3. Oh! What Luck! Here comes Hitler on cue to enunciate the hopes and dream, and to redress the wounded German pride, in an eloquent manner. (By the way, the ability of this AUSTRIAN to do this for the Germans is very possibly a strong indicator that Hitler was part Jewish, rather than that he was not Jewish. I say this having known half-Jews who appear to be the "strongest believer in the room", only to find them playing another role  5 years later; Hitler's strong and over-the-top cooperation with the Zionists lurking in Palestine (the unexplainable and absurd Transfer Agreement, funding the Zionists in Palestine; and Hitler and Eichmann sponsoring the TRAINING of the Irgun -- Israel's strike force which eventually invaded and took over Palestine -- in Nazi controlled territory. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)    

    4. And with the "economic miracle" (a real one) led by Hitler -- Germans were willing to follow him anywhere. (It is generally admitted that Hitler was taught the principles of Social Credit (or a variation the Rothschilds use when they want "good times to roll" in a nation, by a guy frp, Russia names Alfred Rosenberg who, Hitler supporters say, was not Jewish). This "I'm willing to follow the Fuehrer anywhere" attitude -- resulted in the German nation following the disastrous and at times (objectively) sabotaging strategy of Hitler which ended in the conquering of the German nation from 1945 to this day. (Sabotaging was at Dunkirk and abandoning of the Panzer division in Russia, after sternly ordering the Panzer division NOT to break out of the encirclement they were in; the "great heart and intentions" of Hitler in letting the forces of ROTHSCHILD CONTROLLED England go, is pure nonsense; if there were not background deals -- Hitler would have taken the British bottled up at Dunkirk captive, gone in and removed Churchill -- and released the English military from Dunkirk back to an ENGLISH controlled England -- not the Rothschild controlled England.    

    5. The Untermeyer speech in NYC in 1933 declaring war on Germany was part of the "Transfer Agreement" scam -- providing Hitler with an excuse to fund the Zionists in Palestine via the transfer agreement. I have challenged anyone to find a speech of Hitler's to the German people -- complaining about the Transfer Agreement that he had "been forced into" -- I don't believe such a speech exists. This was to be done behind the German people's back, as it were, as part of the high level agreements with Rothchilds forces that Hitler was into, as part of the agreement for the massive funding he received suddenly in 1929.    

    Please pass this on to John Kaminski, if the email above in the cc is not correct for him..    


    Jim Condit Jr.     

    More to come.  


    From: Satyam108

    Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 12:27 PM

    To: undisclosed-recipients:

    Subject: Fwd: Kaminski: The Hitler test

    Brilliant!  Simply brilliant!  Beaucoup Kudos, John and good comment, Tom (See below John's Essay.)  The Apocalypse - the revealing/uncovering/dis-covering rolls on.  The chandas ( Sanskrit term for covering) is being melted by the Light of God - growing more intense by the minute - and the underlying truth is automatically revealed.  Truth alone triumphs!

    The truth that is being revealed about Hitler, as Savitri Devi calls him - "A Man Against Time" (See The Lightning and the Sun) will place him and the courageous German people in the ranks of Leonidas and the Greeks at Thermopylae for saving Europe, Britain and maybe even America from being turned into the Bolshevik living hell that Solzhenitsyn has described and warned us of.  As a young JFK had the courage to write:

    Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived... He had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him.  He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.

    That more and more people are following John's courageous and compassionate lead in tearing down the curtains of lies, is also, in my view, a clear indication of increased coherence in collective consciousness that is the driver of the Apocalypse.  As more and more people have more and more experience of their own infinite, unbounded Self, the fear that has gripped us all, increasingly subsides.

    Liberty, Peace, Prosperity and Love


    PS - I've written for years that any comparison of the likes of Dubya or Barry Obomber to Hitler is grossly insulting to Hitler.  Read his book and his speeches, view his art, and the film and photos of him among the German people that reveal his love of them and their adoration (nothing less) of him.

    सत्यं एव जायते

    Satyam Eva Jayate!

    Truth Alone Triumphs!
