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Lasha Darkmoon / John Scott Montecristo

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Sep.t 29, 2013

Famous “Holocaust denier” Ernst Zundel is here seen interviewing his fellow revisionist Dr Fredrick Töben (left) in this 100-minute cult classic video. Zundel questions Dr Töben about his early life and the evolution of his ideas. The interview throws a fascinating light on the genesis of a “Holocaust denier” and raises the important question: how does one break free from the prevailing mass hypnosis practiced on the public through the Jew-owned mass media and finally come to realize the shocking truth—that what is now purported to be the central feature of WW2, the Holocaust, is in fact the most spectacular hoax of all time? 


Before you listen to the video, I would like to set the scene and make some general observations of my own about the Holocaust in general and Dr Töben in particular.


Dr Fredrick Töben was born in northern Germany in June 1944, but emigrated to Australia when he was ten. He has lived most of his life in Australia and is an Australian citizen. Having studied at Melbourne University in Australia, he went on to attend the universities of Heidelberg and Tübingen for postgraduate studies, finally acquiring his doctorate in philosophy from Stuttgart university.

Töben specialized in the thought of German political philosopher, Karl Popper, whose doctrine of scientific falsifiability has now become a cornerstone of modern science. According to this theory, any hypothesis that is not empirically testable and “falsifiable” is not a scientifically valid hypothesis, i.e., it is mere metaphysics or “dogma”.

It seems to me that Töben, educated in the philosophy of science, decided at some point to apply the same idea of “falsifiability” to the Holocaust. He examined the historical data of World War II methodically, with the precision required of a philosopher of science, and found that the facts presented by the traditional Holocaust scholars simply did not add up. The Holocaust narrative, he concluded, amounted to no more than a religious dogma: a belief unsupported by solid evidence.

Having reached this momentous conclusion — that the traditional Holocaust narrative was essentially belief in a new religion which might be called “Holocaustianity” — Dr Töben was to bring down the wrath of the Jewish establishment on his head.

As a result of his politically incorrect views, Töben was systematically bullied, victimized and vilified as a “Holocaust denier” and anti-Semitic racist. He was to receive two prison sentences, one in Germany and one in Australia. He was also to receive crippling fines that amounted to the total confiscation of his property. All this was to demonstrate to the world what his supporters already knew: that the vindictive malice and cruelty of his persecutors knew no bounds.

Organized Jewry, having taken control of most of the Western world’s media and legislative institutes, has now succeeeded in making it a crime to question the Holocaust in 17 countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Switzerland.

Dr Töben has always shown himself a plucky and highly principled opponent who has refused to buckle and bend under Jewish intimidation, refusing on several occasions to apologize for his views when an apology might well  have diminished the severity of Jewish vengeance. To stand up to the Jewish power structure has now, as noted above, become a heinous crime in seventeen countries. Indeed,  even to draw attention to this disgraceful fact, as I do now, is a crime in the Jewish lexicon. Kowtowing to Jewry is now compulsory. De Iudaiis nil nisi bonum.

Töben, like Ernst Zundel and so many other revisionist historians, considers the Holocaust to be a barefaced lie: a myth perpetuated (in his own words) by “the Holocaust racketeers, the corpse peddlers, and the Shoah Business Merchants.” He has further asserted, to the accompaniment of howls of rage from the traditional enemies of free speech,  that “the current US government is influenced by world Zionist considerations to retain the survival of the European colonial, apartheid, Zionist, racist entity of Israel.” (See here)

Dr Töben clearly entertains  no love for the state of Israel, which is in itself regarded as a shocking crime nowadays, for any negative criticism of Israel is seen as a symptom of anti-Semitism.

In 2005, in an interview with Iranian state television, Töben made the controversial comment: “Israel is founded on the Holocaust lie.”

The fact that millions of educated people all over the world happen to believe that Dr Töben  is right does not detract from the controversial nature of the above statement that Israel is founded upon the Holocaust lie. If there were a way of throwing all these millions of Holocaust skeptics into prison, the state of Israel and its zealous supporters would not hesitate to do so. Unfortunately (or fortunately) they cannot consign so many millions of people to prison. It just isn’t practical. There are not enough prison cells in the world for so many potential prisoners.

How did Dr Töben end up in a German prison? Well, that’s simple: he went to Germany. And soon after he got there, the authorities nabbed him. In April, 1999, they put him in prison, without offering him bail, and kept him there for the next seven months while awaiting trial. He was then accused in court of inciting racial hatred, insulting the memory of the dead, and public denial of the genocide of six million Jews in gas chambers.

After three days of careful consideration by Judge Klaus Kern, in which neither Töben nor his lawyer Ludwig Bock was allowed to mount a defense—for any defense against “Holocaust denial” is itself regarded as a further crime!—Töben was found guilty and sentenced to 10 months in prison.

Taking into consideration the seven months he had already served in custody, Judge Kern ruled that Töben could be released on payment of a fine of 6,000 marks ($3,500) in lieu of the three months remaining of his prison sentence. German sympathizers raised the money at once, without difficulty, and Töben was a free man within 24 hours of the verdict.

“This is a victory for free speech,” Töben commented upon his release, and went on to add defiantly: “I will not be silenced! I intend to keep on using the Internet to promote discussion on these issues. I believe in seeking the truth. Why are they so afraid in Germany of allowing open discussion about the so-called Holocaust? It can only be because they are afraid of the truth.”

Afraid of the truth! Cutting words. But if this is the only way to coerce belief in the Holocaust—to punish people in seventeen countries for daring to doubt the word of the soap-and-lampshade propagandists—there is little hope that Holocaustianity will prevail for much longer as the world’s newest religion.

Even during Töben’s trial, his lawyer Ludwig Bock had compared the prosecution of Töben and other “Holocaust deniers” to the trials of witches in the Middle Ages. The judge had just sat there, rigid and stone-faced, unable to deny what was only too apparent: that Töben was to be just another innocent victim of a Jewish witch-hunt.

 ”I wanted the court to go with me to Auschwitz to see the evidence,” Töben pointed out reasonably. “In any case where murder is alleged, there has to be a murder weapon. I have been to Auschwitz and I know there is no mass murder weapon there. The so-called homicidal gas chambers do not exist.”

Faurisson: "Show me a gas chamber!"

Faurisson: “Show me or draw me a Nazi gas chamber!”

French Revisionist historian Robert Faurission had said pretty much the same thing.

Show me or draw me a Nazi gas chamber!” Faurisson had challenged his critics. “I’m still waiting!”


No one has been able to do so. Not a single gas chamber has ever been produced as evidence. What is more, the gullible public don’t even know this. It is universally assumed that there are dozens of gas chambers dotted all around Germany and Poland when in fact there are none.

It is sobering to reflect that British historian David Irving—who probably knows more about the Holocaust than anyone alive today—was fined 30,000 marks ($21,000) for publicly stating what is now openly and authoritatively conceded: that the extermination gas chamber shown to tourists in Auschwitz was a mock-up or “dummy”. It had never gassed a single Jew. It had been built by the Russians after the war.

For over 50 years, the staff at Auschwitz told visitors that the Auschwitz main camp gas chamber was original.  Now it is admitted that the gas chamber is a reconstruction. The staff at Auschwitz had been lying for half a century.

For over 50 years, the staff at Auschwitz told visitors that the Auschwitz main camp gas chamber was original. Now it is admitted that the gas chamber is a reconstruction. The staff at Auschwitz had been lying to the public for half a century.

For decades, the authorities had deliberately lied to the public by pretending that this  fake gas chamber was an authentic one.

How many Holocaust hoaxes have there been? Wikipedia, which has produced countless articles on every aspect of the Holocaust, has failed as yet to produce a single article giving us a comprehensive list of Holocaust hoaxes.

Anne Frank has been written about at great length, but the fact that her famous memoir is essentially a forgery concocted by her uncle and a Hollywood scriptwriter (who was asked to write the dialogue) has not been revealed. Elie Wiesel, at every opportunity, relates his Holocaust woes to the world, but is too shy to show us his Holocaust tattoo. Geysers spouting blood. Jewish girls being adopted by kindly wolves and nursed on wolf milk. Jewish couples falling in love with each other behind barbed wire, losing each other after the war, only to meet up again decades later for a whirlwind romance and matrimonial consummation. The schmaltz is only equalled by the brazen mendacity.

How many tears have been shed over Jewish skin turned into lampshades and Jewish bones made into soap?

It is impossible to say.

Let me end this brief introduction by relating what happened to me a few days ago. I was sitting in my favorite sidewalk café at my corner table and writing this essay on my laptop, as is my wont, when a man I knew approached my table and sat down opposite me. “Remember the story about the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter?” he said.

“Only too well,” I replied dryly. “What of it?”

For those of you who are unacquainted with the story of the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter, let me say that this story is a typical example of mass media fabrication and black propaganda. It is the way the Jews dish up our news: sensational stories designed to deceive the public and promote profit for the few and mass misery for the rest of us. This story was the work of a public relations firm, Hill and Knowltown. The central character was the teenage daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador.

When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1991, having been first given the green light by America, the world was to be outraged by the sob story related by an unknown girl called Nayirah—who was later on to be outed as the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter in disguise.  She was to testify tearfully, before the cameras, of atrocities committed by Iraqi soldiers in a Kuwaiti hospital: of scenes of horror which the wretched girl had witnessed with her own eyes.

She had seen these satanic soldiers rip babies out of incubators and toss them sadistically on the ground. I forget if she said they had trampled on the babies with their hobnailed boots, crushing their skulls to a bloody pulp on the hard stone floor. I can’t remember. I wouldn’t put it past her. After all, she had been schooled in her story by the best merchants of mendacity, the public relations firm of Hill and Knowltown, with a view to enraging the credulous masses of America—natural born saps who can always be relied upon to fall for the latest lie.

And fall for it they did. Leading to America’s subsequent intervention in Iraq in 1991 and the massacre of countless Iraqi soldiers in the cruelest circumstances: by burying them alive in huge open pits and burning them to cinders as they fled for their lives.

“Okay, so what’s your point?” I asked the young man who had interrupted me in my literary labors. “Why do you bring up the story of the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter?”

He threw a newspaper down on the table. “Read that,” he said. “Does it ring a bell? Doesn’t it remind you of the story of the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter?”

Authentic history or yet another compendium of tall stories and fabrications?

Authentic history or yet another compendium of tall stories and fabrications?

I began to read the book review. As I read, I began to feel my blood boil. My pulse began to race and rattle and I had to pause several times in my reading, biting my lip in anger at the outrageous lies being marketed by this British tabloid rag, the Daily Mail. The book review was about the evil German women of the Third Reich, thirteen million of them apparently, all rampaging around in the “Nazi killing fields.” Written by Professor Wendy Lower, it was called Hitler’s Furies.

Let me give you an idea of this “chilling” and “sensational” new book by quoting from the review which I now have before me on my desk. I wonder what Dr Töben will make of these latest revelations of German iniquity, all of them concentrating on the female of the species, mulier Teutonica.

This is how the book review begins:

Blonde German housewife Erna Petri was returning home after a shopping trip in town when something caught her eye: six small, nearly naked boys huddled in terror by the side of the country road.
Married to a senior SS officer, the 23-year-old knew instantly who they were.
They must be the Jews she’d heard about — the ones who’d escaped from a train taking them to an extermination camp.
But she was a mother herself, with two children of her own. So she humanely took the starving, whimpering youngsters home, calmed them down and gave them food to eat.
Then she led the six of them — the youngest aged six, the oldest 12 — into the woods, lined them up on the edge of a pit and shot them methodically one by one with a pistol in the back of the neck.

This sets the tone. Cold, heartless Aryan murderesses. Every single one of them, Satan’s daughter, an emissary from hell. Let me add that the book reviewer is forced to admit in a reluctant memo, at the end of the article, that the evidence against these women was virtually non-existent.

"Lisolotte Meirer  killed Jews for sport during the Third Reich," says the Daily Mail, hunting them down in the snow with her cruel SS boss. The mail fails to mention that this nice-looking woman was fully acquitted, witrh all charges against her being dropped for lack of evidence.

“Lisolotte Meirer killed Jews for sport during the Third Reich,” says the Daily Mail, hunting them down in the snow with her cruel SS boss. The Daily Mail  however fails to mention that this nice-looking young woman was fully acquitted— with all charges against her being dropped for lack of evidence.

Apart from one woman, Erna Petri, “all the others mentioned here,” he admits candidly, “were tried and acquitted or released after questioning.”

They were tried and acquitted by the Americans, incidentally, not by the Germans. So they were actually acquitted by their own wartime enemies.

In spite of this acquittal, the Jewish (?) author of this blood-and-thunder Holocaust memoir  bizarrely suggests that the women were nevertheless guilty,  but managed to get off the hook only because they were too ashamed to admit their guilt.

“This fact has been suppressed and denied,” she sputters indignantly, “by the very women who were swept up in the regime and by those who perpetrated the violence with impunity. But genocide is also women’s business. When given the ‘opportunity’, women too will engage in it, even its bloodiest aspects.”

We’ll take your word for it, Professor.

After all, you’re a woman. And so you must know from personal experience what genocidal hellhags women can be.


The story of the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter springs to mind as one reads these sensational anecdotes, all from eyewitness accounts of dubious provenance and without a single source reference that can be accepted as reliable. Here’s another story that could have come straight from the public relations firm of Hill and Knowlton:

She [Johanna Altvater,  a 22-year-old secretary] marched into a building being used as a makeshift hospital and through the children’s ward, eyeing each bed-ridden child. Then she stopped, picked one up, took it to the balcony and threw the child to the pavement three floors below. She did the same with other children. Some died, and even those who survived were seriously injured.
Her speciality — or, as one survivor put it, her ‘nasty habit’ — was killing children. One observer noted that Altvater often lured children with sweets. When they came to her and opened their mouths, she shot them in the mouth with the small pistol that she kept at her side.
On another occasion, she beckoned a toddler over, then grabbed him tightly by the legs and slammed his head against a wall as if she were banging the dust out of a mat.
She threw the lifeless child at the feet of his father, who later testified: ‘Such sadism from a woman I have never seen. I will never forget this.’

True, it is hard to forget. It is even harder to believe. I have met German women. I have lived in Germany. German women are among the noblest I have met. Never forget that two million of these women were raped, tortured, and put to death in the cruelest circumstances after WW2 by their Allied victors, especially by the Russians on the express orders of their bloodthirsty Bolshevik Jewish commandant Ilya Ehrenberg.

Even [German] nuns in habits were raped….182 Catholic nuns were raped by Red Army soldiers in the diocese of Kattowitz, the soldiers left behind 66 pregnant nuns. Some women lived for weeks on rooftops trying to escape the violence….
The Russians had gone as far as actually to crucify nearly all the [German] villagers whilst still alive, nailing a number of women and even babies to barn doors…. Every room contained bodies, the corpses of children and of women who had evidently suffered serial rape before their deaths….women who had been raped and mutilated one by one, each with an empty wine bottle in her vagina…. (See here)

And these German women, we are now told in this new Holocaust memoir, were no more than a bunch of sadistic serial killers. Thirteen million of them, all in the Nazi party, all goose-stepping vampire girls in jackboots wielding wicked whips like demented dominatrices!  The point being, I guess, that as German women they had it coming to them after WW2. Rape, torture and brutal murder—with their breasts hacked off and their babies ripped from their wombs—all this was no more than the horrid creatures deserved. It was retribution for being evil Nazis who had done away with six million Jews in gas chambers—in imaginary gas chambers, please note, since not a single authentic gas chamber has to date been found.

Remember the gas chamber at Auschwitz turned out to be a fake—just like the fake lampshades made of Jewish skin and the fake soap made of Jewish bones. (See herehere, here, and here.)

The video you are about to see is cult memorabilia. The interview it features took place in 1997, ten years before Ernst Zundel’s conviction in February 2007 in a German court for “inciting hatred against an identifiable group“:  in short, for the crime of saying what millions now increasingly believe—that the Holocaust is a hoax calculated to legitimize the state of Israel and defame the German people.

The Holocaust narrative, unproven and unprovable, subjects the German people to endless obloquy and defamation. It makes extortionate demands for reparations payments, without an end in sight. It is, quite simply, legalized blackmail.

To see the video, click on

Ernst Zundel in Conversation with Dr fredrick Toben — Portrait of a Philosopher, 1997.

About Montecristo

John Scott Montecristo is the editor of this website. He is Lasha Darkmoon's cousin.