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Exemption of Jews from military service

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Sept. 13, 2013


This document was recently uncovered by the intrepid researcher Deanna Spingola.  This is real dynamite for the truth:


The Central Committee of the American Jews at the 47th Annual Conference, Anti-Defamation League, held in New York on June 26, 1937, sent out a circular declaring an “Exemption of Jews from military service in accordance with the highest interpretation of Judaism.” The circular stated:




The Central Conference of American Rabbis at the 117th Annual Conference, held in New York City on June 26, 1937, declared for "Exemption of Jews from military service in accordance with the highest interpretation of Judaism."


Our Talmud tells us "When you go to war, do not go as the first but as the last, so that you may return as the first."


Why should we, the only truly international people, be concerned with the mutaole interests of stupid Goyim nations? 'We must do everything in our power to help the great president who has helped us so greatly in establishing control. Support the draft law when it is presented to the American people. Support England and France, for they are fighting Judah's greatest enemy, the Goyim German State.


You are urged to support United States participation in this Holy war of Judah, without reservation and without fear.  We can repeat our triumphs of 1918 if we maintain our united front and the dumb goyim will fight while we profit, with the aid of our friend in Wa.shington.


Powerful Jews will be on all Draft Boards, and Jewish physicians will protect you from military service. Arrangements are already made to exempt you, in case religious exemption cannot be prepared in time.  You are warned to renounce, abjure, repudiate and deny any of this information if questioned by Gentiles, even under oath, as outlined in the Talmud and justified for the preservation of our race.


The Central Committee


FBI, Cleveland, Ohio, File 62-0, October 13, 1943, Declassified July 11, 1989, letter from Charles M. Scott, Informant, a circular letter containing alleged Semitic propaganda, Scott received a copy of the document in her capacity as a stenographer for Fisher Cleveland Air Craft Division, General Motors Corporation, Plant #2. Her supervisor had her make a copy of it and Scott submitted it to the FBI, the letter of explanation was signed by Leland V. Boardman, the Special Agent in Charge.


If you wish review the entire document, click on the link at the top of the page.