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Aug. 27, 2013

Speaking the TRUTH is one of the corner stones of all morality. It is also a mandate from God . The ONLY ethnicity on EARTH which considers the virtue of TRUTH childish nonsense and the worlds most prolific liars? JEWS!

Jesus to the jews in John 8-44:–

“Ye are of your father -THE DEVIL and the lusts of your father ye will do. He ( your father) was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the TRUTH because there IS NO TRUTH IN HIM ( YOUR FATHER – the DEVIL). When he speaketh a lie , he speaketh of HIS OWN ( his children – the jews) for he is a LIAR and the FATHER OF IT.”

If you ask a BaptDUH to read aloud this most profound and most-avoided truth and damnation of the jews ever spoken by Jesus – he will stall – sputter – backpedal – get red in his hypocrite redneck idiot face, and state that our Lord Christ obviously DIDN’T really mean what He so CLEARLY and COMPREHENSIVELY STATED.

Such is the level of blasphemous degeneration of these horrid destroyers of Christian faith who worship Satan’s sons FAR ABOVE Jesus! try to speak ANY TRUTH or WISDOM or RATIONAL sense with these Pentecostal murderous sadistic sociopathic morons and see what results. DISGUSTING!

Lying is an art form to the jew. He lies with the same ease with which he draws a breath. His entire existence is a gigantic lie from the moment he is spawned by his demonic parents to the day he returns to his ‘father’ in hell.

Whereas TRUE Christians–like true Muslims– (BaptDUH trash not included) are taught that truth is Godly virtue and that God favors the TRUTH ALWAYS – the jew considers it a dirty word. To the jew lying and deceit are tools with which he ‘makes his living’ as he cheats, steals, defrauds, practices usury and deceives his way through life in whatever land he has infected with his filthy blood stained hands and hate-filled black heart.

He is the ultimate pariah – the harbinger of death, a dealer of every manner of obscenity and reprobate conduct. He is a reptile whose cunning often deceives many a Gentile victim, even those of a keen mind.

He has been damned for thousands of years and ALWAYS rewards the kindness shown to him with treachery, treason, hatred, duplicity, furtiveness, hypocrisy, trickery, illusions, and every form of chicanery imaginable to man.