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Once again the American people terrorized by Jewish power are intimidated into knowingly letting lies told by a Zionoid State Department

Dick Eastman

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Alug. 26, 2013

Once again the American people terrorized by Jewish power are intimidated into knowingly letting lies told by a Zionoid State Department get us in another killing fest against innocnet Moslems whose only crime is living next door to Israel.    Those killed by gas in Syria were killed by the same people who brought you 9-11.

I remember, if you don't, that president Saddam Hussein had opened Iraq to inspections, but Bush/Powell/Rice/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz were not accepting that and insisted on war.  Also Mohammad Omar of Afghanistan offered to extradite Ossama bin Laden if President Bush would show probable cause for linking bin Laden to 9-11.  The Bush Administration ignored the offer and attacked  -- because, as intelligent people looking at the facts knew by that time, 9-11 was an inside job.
Lord Action was wrong wrong wrong.
Lord Acton said, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing."
I say that anyone who does nothing to prevent a known evil that they know will kill tens of thousands of innocent people simply to please Jewish supremacism  cannot be good and is in fact good for nothing.