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June 23, 2013

There are two big “waves” set to hit Israeli hi-tech in the coming year, according to Gadi Tirosh, a general manager at venture capital fund Jerusalem Venture Partners. One wave will consist of new companies working in the cybersecurity space, as protecting government, enterprise, and consumers from hacking, online espionage, and cyber-terrorism becomes even more vital than in the past.

The second wave concerns the place where many of these security-oriented companies will set up shop — Beersheba, a city which will soon host many of the IDF’s advanced technology facilities. As the city grows, multinational giants, like Deutsche Telecom, Ness Technologies, EMC, and others are setting up R&D facilities in the city, drawing from the graduates of Ben Gurion University’s large body of engineering students.

It’s the perfect place, said Tirosh, for JVP to set up its new cybersecurity incubator. “As computer attacks get more sophisticated, they are more difficult to prevent,” Tirosh told the Times of Israel. “There is a big demand for advanced technology to keep cyberspace safe, and we are actively recruiting companies working in this space that have promising technologies. Beersheba, with its high-tech environment created by Ben Gurion University, the IDF’s large tech facilities, and international R&D facilities, will provide a very supportive environment for our startups. It’s a triangle that will benefit everyone involved,” Tirosh said. [...]

The cybersecurity incubator is new — and unique, said Tirosh, as JVP will be operating the only incubator in the world working with early stage companies in cybersecurity and big data (at least for now). But the incubator is not JVP’s first foray into cybersecurity; a graduate of the firm’s incubators, CyberArk, is now one of the world’s largest cybersecurity companies, offering a unique method to prevent hackers from even getting close to critical systems.

The companies that emerge from the incubator will become pillars of future cyber-defense efforts, said Tirosh. “We in Israel are as vulnerable to APT attacks as anyone else, but we have a good defense system, with government and private organizations working together to cyber-defend the country,” Tirosh said. “It’s a good model, one that we know our graduates will integrate into successfully.”

Also, please read Jewish journalist Max Blumenthal's piece at Mondoweiss entitled, "Meet the Israeli-linked firm that sold Big Brother machines to Mubarak, Qaddafi - and Washington," which further documents the Israeli connection to the NSA spy scandal I highlighted last week.  Israel and world Jewry are the driving force behind and prime beneficiaries of virtually every single form of tyranny we see in our world today.

Moving right along, two articles appeared in the Jewish press this past week which sought to further demonize "those evil Nazis" and perpetuate the lies told about the German military and their European allies during WWII.  The Times of Israel ran a headline entitled, "Friends and neighbors shocked by Minnesota man's Nazi past," which reported on Michael Karkoc, a Ukrainian American who allegedly "led an SS unit responsible for WWII atrocities," according to the headline.  The Jewish Daily Forward published an article entitled, "No. 1 Most-Wanted Hungarian Nazi Used Dog Whips on Jews," informing their readers "98-Year-Old Laszlo Csatary Will Finally Face Justice" in the sub-headline.

Organized Jewry will never stop promoting and propagandizing their fake history and alleged "persecution" at the hands of "those evil Nazis."  Honest and truthful individuals must expose and reject the Big Jewish Lies concerning WWII, Adolf Hitler, and National Socialist Germany, and that's what I'll continue to do here.

Speaking of all the Jewish lies endlessly disseminated about WWII, National Socialist Germany, Hitler, and the fake Jewish "Holocaust," check out this headline from the UK's The Daily Mail:

Just four days before the end of the war in Europe, a unit of Canadian soldiers was advancing through a thick forest in the north-east of Holland. Accompanying them was a member of the highly secret British Special Service Unit, a man called Joe Corry.

By any measure, Corry had had an eventful war. He had assassinated a Nazi scientist with a crossbow, watched D-Day from a house on the landing beaches, rescued the nuclear scientist J Robert Oppenheimer (the so-called father of the atom bomb) from Holland, attached limpet mines to U-boats, been shipwrecked off Newfoundland, and had even worked with the future James Bond author, Ian Fleming, himself an intelligence officer.

But despite everything he had seen, nothing could prepare Corry for what he would witness that day. For hidden deep in the forest was a Nazi ‘experimental’ extermination camp, the sight of which would remain with him for ever.

‘The living and dead evidence of horror and brutality beyond one’s imagination was there,’ wrote Corry years later. ‘People were lying, crawling and shuffling about, in stinking ankle-deep mud and human excrement.’

A young girl came up to him, crying for help, but there was little that Corry could do. A rabbi then approached and kissed the back of Corry’s hand, mumbling what Corry could only assume was a prayer.

As Corry walked around the camp, he was presented with increasingly horrific sights, including heaps of corpses and rows of ‘living skeletons’ crammed into blockhouses.

A few days later he returned, and saw two inmates tearing flesh from a long-dead horse and ‘gulping huge bites’.

What Corry saw that day nearly seven decades ago was an all-too-vivid example of the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were murdered on the orders of Adolf Hitler.

No wonder that earlier this year publishers Simon & Schuster jumped at the opportunity to re-issue his extraordinary memoir, first published to little fanfare in 1990.

The new edition, out in 2014, has been described by Corry’s editor as ‘everything you’d want to read in a World War II memoir — it’s a gripping, rollercoaster account of extreme bravery and resourcefulness, that also packs a powerful and emotional punch’.

There is, however, just one problem: it simply isn’t true.

There were no such ‘experimental extermination camps’ in Holland, and the concentration camps that had been on Dutch soil had been discovered well before May 4 — the day of the German surrender in Holland.

In fact, nearly everything Corry claims about his wartime experiences is fictitious. There was no ‘Special Service Unit’; Professor Oppenheimer was in the U.S. throughout the war; there were no British troops hiding in houses on the D-Day beaches.

The list of falsehoods is astonishing and blatant. [...]

Sadly, Corry’s tale is part of a growing problem within the publishing industry, which is selling to the public a growing number of ‘memoirs’ about the Holocaust and World War II that should really belong on the shelves marked ‘fiction’.

The article goes on to highlight other examples of "Holocaust" actors and fraud artists who have been paraded in front of the cameras or written fictitious "memoirs" or "biographies" to sell the fake Jewish "Holocaust" narrative to the world. Even mainstream, German-hating publications like The Daily Mail have to report on these liars. Truly amazing stuff folks. The bigger, more extravagant, and emotion-laden the lie, the more likely the public will accept it, as Adolf Hitler himself explained in Mein Kampf:

But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice. All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.

From time immemorial; however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew "The Great Master of Lies". Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.

- Adolf Hitler, quote from Mein Kampf (page 184-185)

Two other articles appearing in the Jewish press this past week sought to warn Jewry and the global public about the rise of "anti-Semitic" or "xenophobic" right wing political parties in Europe.  In the past, we've seen organized international Jewish political and financial interests pressure national governments in Europe to ban or outlaw nationalist political parties, such as the Golden Dawn in Greece and Jobbik in Hungry.

This week, The Times of Israel ran a headline entitled, "New anti-Semitic Polish party claims 'bad Jews' run the country," which lamented that a Polish court can’t "ban ‘Together Party of the Slavonic Empire,’ whose charter speaks of importance of ‘the Pole of true Slavonic blood’," according to the sub-headline.  Obviously, organized Jewry has a major problem with anyone or any organization openly exposing Jewish criminality and subversion, and works overtime to get them either banned, marginalized, or discredited.

The Jewish Daily Forward ran the rather ominous headline "The Specter of Xenophobia Stalks Europe: Radical Nationalism, Not Islam, Is Continent's Biggest Threat."  A major aspect of the Jew World Order agenda is the vehement demonization of nationalism and national sovereignty (at least for White European peoples), and the elimination of racial or national consciousness. European or White Nationalism is constantly equated with "hate" or "bigotry" or "xenophobia" in an attempt to marginalize or slander those of us with legitimate, rational, and healthy nationalist viewpoints.

To wrap this up, check out two of the leading headlines appearing this week in the Jewish owned and operated New York Times, the primary establishment-serving news outlet in America today.  Both articles were written by the Jew Adam Liptak, and provide discerning readers with an insight into the Jewish agenda in America.

The first headline, published on June 17th, is entitled, "Justices Block Law Requiring Voters to Prove Citizenship."  A brief excerpt:

The Supreme Court ruled on Monday in a 7-to-2 decision that Arizona may not require documentary proof of citizenship from people seeking to vote in federal elections there.

The ruling was the second in two terms to reject Arizona laws that the state’s officials justified as responses to illegal immigration. In both cases, the court insisted that the federal government has the dominant role when it comes to national issues like controlling the borders and how federal elections are conducted. [...]

The second headline was published yesterday, June 22nd, and is entitled, "Supreme Court Weights Cases Redefining Legal Equality." A brief excerpt:

Within days, the Supreme Court is expected to issue a series of decisions that could transform three fundamental social institutions: marriage, education and voting.

The extraordinary run of blockbuster rulings due in the space of a single week will also reshape the meaning of legal equality and help define for decades to come one of the Constitution’s grandest commands: “the equal protection of the laws.”

If those words require only equal treatment from the government, the rulings are likely to be a mixed bag that will delight and disappoint liberals and conservatives in equal measure. Under that approach, same-sex couples who want to marry would be better off at the end of the term, while blacks and Hispanics could find it harder to get into college and to vote.

But a tension runs through the cases, one based on different conceptions of equality. Some justices are committed to formal equality. Others say the Constitution requires a more dynamic kind of equality, one that takes account of the weight of history and of modern disparities.

The four major cases yet to be decided concern same-sex marriage, affirmative action in higher education and the fate of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which places special burdens on states with a history of racial discrimination.

Formal equality would require that gay couples be treated just like straight couples when it comes to marriage, white students just like black students when it comes to admissions decisions and Southern states just like Northern ones when it comes to federal oversight of voting. The effect would be to help gay couples, and hurt blacks and Latinos.

But such rulings — “liberal” when it comes to gay rights, “conservative” when it comes to race — are hard to reconcile with the historical meaning of the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause, adopted in the wake of the Civil War and meant to protect the newly freed black slaves.

The agendas being promoted by organized Jewry - amnesty for illegal aliens, "equal rights" for faggots and lesbians, elevation of "minorities" over White Americans, federal tyranny and suppression of states' rights, etc. - are totally un-American and unacceptable to me and millions of other people in the United States.  Let me know what you think in the comment section.