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Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf - Thoughts About The Jews

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June 17, 2013

"The life which the Jew lives as a parasite thriving on

 the  substance of other nations has resulted in that

 specific character which Schopenhauer once described

 when      he spoke of the Jew as 'The Great Master of Lies'.

 The kind of existence which he leads forces the Jew

 into the systematic use of falsehood – just as naturally

 as the inhabitants of northern climes are forced to wear

 warm clothes."                    — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

"Today the Jew is looked upon as especially 'cunning',

 and, in a certain sense, he has been so throughout

 the ages.  His intellectual powers, however, are not

 the result of his own evolution, but rather have been

 shaped by the object-lessons which he received from

 others…  The Jew never had a civilization of his own…

 The culture which he enjoys today is the product

 of other nations and is only debased in his hands."

                                                     — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

"By presenting his [Marxist] doctrine as a part and parcel

 of just revindication of social rights, the Jew propagated

 that doctrine all the more effectively…  For, under the cloak

 of purely social concepts, there are hidden aims which are

 of a Satanic character.  This Marxist doctrine is a peculiar

 mixture of human reason and human absurdity;  though

 the combination is arranged in such a way that only the

 absurd part of it could ever be put into practice, but never

 the reasonable one."                  — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

"As soon as the Jew is in possession of political power,

 he drops the last few veils which have hitherto helped

 to conceal his features…  In the course of a few years,

 he endeavors to exterminate all those who represent

 the national intelligence.  ["Even the best of the goyim

 should be killed" – Jew Talmud]  And by thus depriving

 the people of their natural intellectual leaders, he turns

 them into slaves…  Russia presents the most terrible

 example of such a slavery.  In that country, the Jew

 murdered thirty million people in a bout of savage

 fanaticism… [Holocausting the goyim is kosher] so that

 a gang of Jewish literati  and financial bandits should

 dominate over a great people."

                                                — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

"The Jew is the Great Master of Lies.  Falsehood and

 duplicity are the weapons with which he wages war.

 Every calumny and falsehood published by the Jews

 are tokens of honour which can be worn by our

 comrades.  He whom they decry most is nearest

 to our hearts and he whom they mortally hate is our

 best friend.  If a comrade of ours opens a Jew-owned

 newspaper in the morning – and does not find himself

 vilified therein, then he has spent the previous day to

 no account.  For, had he achieved something, he would

 have been threatened, slandered, derided and abused."

                                                  — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

"I realized that the Jew uses language for the purpose

 of concealing his thoughts or at least veiling them,

 so that his real intentions cannot be ascertained by

 what he says, but, rather, by reading between the lines.

 This discovery was the occasion of the greatest inner

 revolution that I had yet experienced.  From being a

 soft-hearted cosmopolitan, I became an out-and-out

 anti-Semite."      — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf