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Laska Majow

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May 29, 2013

From Laska Majow:


Give me one name


Recently in a group of people we had discussion about gas chambers and 'millions' of Jews who 'perished' in them . My friend who was doubting the doubters was challenged to:  "Provide a name of one person who could be shown as died in a German gas chamber during second world war".


As a bonus she was told that she will be invited every day to any restaurant of her choice,  have a meal of her choice,  and not pay anything – FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE. She asked to repeat the promise in front of several people (to be sure that you keep your promise). At that time she was the happiest woman in the world.


I rung her 2 days later asking how the search is going – 'not yet' was the reply , few days later I heard 'not yet' again . At the end of the week she told me that she is not that good in searching internet, maybe I could advise her what she was doing wrong .


I said - you cannot search the 'holocaust deniers' , 'anti-Semitic' , 'neo-Nazi' and 'revisionist' sites, because by definition that information will not be there . What about all Jewish sites – holocaust museums, institutes, Jewish cultural centers, organizations of survivors, 'ghetto fighters', Israeli embassies etc. All this propaganda machinery (thousands of people) employed in promoting the concept of gas chambers should have the recorded name of at least ONE SUCH PERSON (out of  millions).


She collected over 800 email addresses and contacted people in Jewish propaganda outfits – from ADL to museum in Sydney , from Wiesenthal center to Israeli embassy in Canberra, and the Majority of people from those organizations did not even reply .


Some desperado's , particularly embassies, tried to dump her at the doorsteps of, thinking that if they pay them millions every year they should be able to furnish at least one name, but Nope! …. not even one is marked as died in gas chamber . There are some cryptic entries 'perished in Shoah' –  which could mean being clubbed to death by other Jews fighting for Red Cross chocolates or access to prostitutes (Auschwitz DID HAVE brothel ).


Lots of recycled photographs of malnourished people taken in 1945 when the German transportation, and distribution system was blown to pieces by indiscriminate, murderous bombing by stupid goys doing the dirty jobs for Jews (Anglos and Yankees) .


And bodies of victims of typhus and hunger – implying subtly that they could be 'gassed people'.


Many tried to misdirect her to sites with garbage in them or generalized ‘ claims ‘ about holocaust . Eg when advised by ADL  to check    (firstly you have to pay $100  to Jewish extortionists for the right to access the data base ) she found lists of transports from one camp to another;  survivors of all sorts , even those living in Philippines;  Names of 671 Jews who emigrated to Peru, from the early 1800's through 1947 ; Records of 2,995 foreigners (mostly German Jews) who came into contact with Dutch authorities between the mid-1930s and 1954;  Index of the prisoners held at Miranda de Ebro, the central camp in Spain for foreign prisoners;  Names of nearly 500 French Jews who were issued immigration visas to Brazil during the Holocaust – and similar rubbish to make impression that there are lots of lists of ‘ victims ‘.

Great surprise with  ‘ Karaganda, Kazakhstan Lists ‘ – Germans never got there ?!


Some lists claim to contain names of people who died without stating the reason. (apart from shooting , it is known that in concentration camps the main cause was typhus) Why include list of migrants to Peru in the 19 century as victims of holocaust on the list which is clearly marked as "JewishGen's Holocaust Database" .


Since the actual number of Jewish victims during second world war has been exaggerated likely tenfold,  it became necessary for the Jewish propaganda to include various irrelevant lists of people put together to claim that there are records of  'millions' of people who died.  Miracle provable by Jewish records ! – 19 century Jewish migrants to Peru died twice, once in various time and circumstances and then again during 'holohoax'.  Can anybody match such miracle !


The Majority of people on those lists (some are doubled on various lists ) are merely people who were alive at the time of second world war.  Using the same methodology – 6 BILLION people alive today can claim to be survivors of Jewish genocide in Palestine. There are records of their existence, their addresses in Greenland or Vanuatu and genocide in Palestine goes on – those are historical facts using their own Jewish method of creating  victims who are eligible to claim compensation from Jews the same way about 2 millions of them got it from German government .


Another issue about numbers – those lists claim to contain about 2.4 (or 4) million names of people and as pointed above mostly 'survivors'. Where is the rest of 6 million who are claimed to have died in the holocaust ?

This happened in 20th century Europe where in the littlest of towns there were multiple public records (civil and religious) of every person , every house , every m3 of land .

And if we can find a record of a non Jewish person from the same period and the same place you cannot claim that records ‘ disappeared ‘ , ‘ were destroyed by Germans ‘ ?

So , Mr and Mrs Choo – where those ‘ missing millions ‘ come from ?!


Some clever Jews (eg .Tom Jackson  ‘Education Officer‘ from Holocaust Educational Trust - ) tried to give some names which when checked did not stand up to scrutiny but Tom Jackson when confronted with his lie had audacity to reply that - "I’m not sure that it makes a great deal of difference whether anyone actually saw Korczak and his 198 children walk into the gas chambers at Treblinka".  In every case of people claiming of grandparents or other relatives dying in 'gas chamber', when trying to verify names we were redirected to http://www1.yadvashem.orgfinding only the confirmation of death.

Some names came from thin air – no trace on any list .CHECK IT YOURSELF .

Asking the claimants to provide some verifiable information about the death in ‘gas chamber‘ resulted in the end of correspondence .


At  the name of Hana Brady marked as 'Arrived at the camp on October 23, 1944, and was gassed immediately' .

How do they know? – because Jewish book 'Good Books Matter' by Stagg Peterson, Shelley; Swartz, Larry (2008) says so.

How do they know? – her brother says so .

How does he know? – he thinks so because she is dead .

Still waiting for Wikipedia answer to the email if they have more verifiable information about this death in 'gas chamber' .

So a lie repeated many times over becomes 'fact', and an average person is led to believe in it because it is in Wikipedia ?


Weasel organization ( ) cynically called 'Museum of tolerance'  -- when actually being the center for spreading hatred , lies and persecution --- remained silent as well .

Its Pinocchio boss creation suddenly suffering from memory loss of who did he say he saw dying in 'gas chambers'.


It is apparent that the working language of those Jews is rather limited . Apart from sticking labels on people and nasty invectives they cannot go any further .

It is not a ‘historical‘ argument (eg as Mariela Sztrum From Sydney Jewish Museum tried) an invective put with almost visible foam in the mouth.

And how one could forget Ronald Eissens from 'International Network Against Cyber Hate' daring to say that Holocaust denial is illegal in Australia; "so if this group of people keeps on denying that Jews were gassed in concentration camps, you could file a complaint with the police"Of course that piece of poor excuse for a human being could not provide a name either !! – but he wants you and your friends to be put in prison because they dare to think outside the limits set by Jews, when trying to ascertain the truth .


I am including answers from some Jews who did reply . I am also including the list of all those people and organizations contacted .





Jews contacted




When it comes to discussing Jews nothing is simple or straightforward.


It is known fact that in the part of Western Europe and in Balkans overtaken by Germans there were no mass shooting of Jews – those Jews mostly belonged to the Sephardi branch or those who could claim some historical evidence that they may have come from Palestine.


National Socialism movement was infiltrated on many levels – civil administration, army, police, SS - not only by opportunists and traitors but also by Jewish stooges.


Plausible explanation is that marginalized Sephardi proper Jews wanted to get rid of the Ashkenazi branch which consists mostly of the descendants of converted Khazar's – therefore in the eyes of  ‘proper’ Jews they were NOT GENETIC blood descendants of Abraham, and are therefore usurpers , competitors and challengers to playing the main role (due to numbers) and even pariahs, or an embarrassment. Itsvan Bakony describes such people as 'Door Proselytes' – shunned from ‘true Judaism‘ by Jewish heavies .


These days the undesirable Jews are disposed of more subtly. In Israhell - black Ethiopian Jews are sterilized under the guise of birth control shots – to be sure that embarrassing dilemma will end in a 'natural way' .


Perhaps it is a lesson to 'spiritual Jews'  – opportunists, traitors and idiots who join 'secret masonic lodges' , 'new world order',  and similar front organizations with an illusionary hope of picking up some crumbs from masters table !


Devious tradition continues:


using Russians to kill Poles in Katyn ,

using Germans to kill Ashkenazi ,

using Anglos and Yankees to kill Germans ,

using Arabs to kill Yankees ( so called 9/11) ,

using Lebanese ' Christians ' to kill Palestinians