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Jew Apologist David Icke: Zionism and Jewish People Are Not InterchangableJew

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May 16, 2013

Watch David Ickestein Here  David Icke ☼ Zionism and Jewish People Are Not Interchangable

The below comment section sum up anything I would have said, so please read them:

Ron: David Icke implies that Rothschilds’ controlled Zionists, NOT Jews, are destroying and enslaving our world. I disagree. The Rothschilds and others may be organising the conspiracy but it takes millions of dedicated Talmudists to operate it.


It is their underlying mind controlling Talmudic exceptionalist, separatist, supremacist political ideology that identifies Jews, NOT their superficial political, religious and/or other public cultural personas and allegiances. One might as well say that not all Jews are Bolsheviks, or US Democrats, or US Republicans, or Hollywood actors. SO WHAT? Most professing Jews give allegiance and preference to their ideological brotherhood (”the Tribe”) OVER, AND TO THE EXCLUSION OF, ALL OTHERS, and regardless of circumstances. That is the problem especially as Judaism is an ironclad, mind controlled cultural symbiosis that is welded to a vicious, racist, global, supremacist ideology.


Almost half of all Jews in our world, ie the six million Jews currently living parasitically in Palestine, are by virtue of that fact, at least closet or tacit Zionists. Similarly, some six million Jews, ie most of the rest of the Jews in our world, live in Amerikka, and a majority of those Amerikkan Jews also SUPPORT ISRAEL. These statistics make nonsense of any suggestion that Zionists and those who say they are JEWS are not interchangeable in this context. Indeed, it is even arguable that the relatively small number of Jews who vociferously oppose the Jewish occupation of Palestine are still playing a part in the Rothschilds’ orchestrated Talmudic Zionist drama. Why? Because they are part of the Hegelian dialectic used by the Rothschilds and their cohorts to manipulate and control EVERY important global issue. That means that Rothschilds’ Jewish agents assume core roles on both (indeed ALL) sides of every geopolitical and geo-cultural issue. To ensure the outcome they want the Rothschilds and their agents fund and organise ALL parties to the Zionist debate as they do for all others. IF you disagree, please SHOW me evidence that anti-Zionist Jews have significantly changed ANYTHING for the better in Palestine.


Arguably “JEWS” are people who profess allegiance to Judaism whether as a culture (ie a socio-political ideology) or as a so-called religion. And all Jewish communities participate actively or tacitly in the Jewish supremacist conspiracy to control and enslave non-Jews regardless of which branch of the conspiracy those Jews inhabit and foster.


Any astute researcher who does not recognise that Jews control Amerikka and our world, and that almost ALL Jews benefit from that situation either directly or indirectly, is in denial. Similarly, any person who clings to his/her Jewish identity and communal association yet pretends to not benefit from it, is in denial.

Watch David Ickeberg Here  David Icke ☼ Zionism and Jewish People Are Not Interchangable



Comments on this video:


TeutonicReich44 4 hours ago


Cmon you support Kosher Ickes Guru tactics about the "were all one" bullshit? Thats pure new age nonsense, and Icke is merely pushing his own new age marxist commie agenda. BTW Jews and ZIonism is the Same Crap, Jews Not Zionism have been a problem of more than a thousand years, the problem has existed way before zionism, but color blind reptilian icke wants you to think otherwise.


EarthaKit2 14 hours ago


Yeah, they are. They're interchangeable.


They're very happy to be the "Chosenites"- and go along with their rabbis taught fr. the Talmud. I could count on one hand the jews that have compasion for non-jews, in particular, the Palestinians. The rest are very happy going along stealing someone's land, money, hard work & getting the goodies. ...even plagerizing writings and inventions. & getting the credit for them.


wotan237 1 hour ago


Its not an exact over lap, but Jews and Zionism are indeed interchangeable, for the most part. Observant Jews on Passover always pray "Next year, in Jerusalem" Jews were expelled from European countries 109 times- they undermine their host nations, example- they spearhead the amnesty immigration schemes , gay marriage, the police state, etc.