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US teacher under fire for assigning an essay on why the Jews are evil

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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April 15, 2013 1:01 am TheUnhivedMind 1 Comment

Albany teacher under fire for assigning essay on why ‘Jews are evil’

Published time: April 14, 2013 08:31

An American high school teacher assigned their students an unconventional – and to many, scandalous – creative writing exercise: The teenagers were told to write a letter to the Nazis explaining why “Jews are evil.”

The controversial assignment was given to students at Albany High School as preparation for a planned class reading of the memoir ‘Night’ by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel.

Students were told to research Nazi propaganda and to imagine that they are living in the Nazi Germany of the 1930s, and write a letter to the Nazi government to convince them that “Jews are evil and the source of our problems.”

“Review in your notebooks the definitions for logos, ethos, and pathos,” the assignment said. “Choose which argument style will be most effective in making your point.”

The assignment sparked a wave of public criticism. The teacher, whose name has not been disclosed, was put on leave after the case went public.

On Friday, District Superintendent Marguerite Vanden Wyngaard held a news conference to apologize for the assignment, which “displayed a level of insensitivity that we absolutely will not tolerate in our school community,” she said.

Many of the students felt deeply uncomfortable with the assignment, and some refused to write the essay.

“I was putting it off because I didn’t want to think about it and I didn’t want to say anything bad about Jewish people,” one of the students was quoted by the Times Union newspaper as saying. “We thought it would make more sense if we were Jews arguing against Nazism,” she said, adding that she felt “horrible” when she turned in her essay.

TheUnhivedMind on April 15, 2013 at 1:05 am said:

It is funny really when you know that the Nazi party was a combination of the National Socialists and the Zionists. Now take the Na of National and add the Zi of Zionist and you get what? Nazi! May I remind you that these Jews Turkish edomites were behind the killing of the Torah Israelites which the Papacy detests. These Turkish edomites are the Sabbatean Frankist Court Jews for the Pope of Rome, the antiChrist over Catholicism the non-Christian religion of the Beast. The Nazis continue today as the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst hidden within the Directorate for Intelligence division of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Sabbatean Frankists come from the following of Jesuit created Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank false messiahs.

-= The Unhived Mind