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The 20th Century: Talmudic triumph over Western civilization

John Friend

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April 12, 2013

Writing in Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler perfectly summarized the central theme of the twentieth century, a century which amounted to a total Jewish triumph over and destruction of Western civilization.  Hitler wrote, "The ignorance of the broad masses as regards the inner character of the Jew, and the lack of instinct and insight displayed by our upper classes, are among the reasons which explain how it is that so many people fall an easy prey to the systematic campaign of falsehood which the Jew carries on."  Of course, Hitler was specifically describing the German nation, but his statement equally applies to all of Western civilization.  The "ignorance of the broad masses as regards the inner character of the Jew" combined with "the lack of instinct and insight displayed by" the upper classes has led to a total destruction of our civilization, by and large, a fact most Westerners do not even recognize because they cannot fathom the "systematic campaign of falsehood which the Jew carries on," as Adolf Hitler explained.  
In his book The Jewish Century, Jewish author Yuri Slezkine had this to say on the very first page:
The Modern Age is the Jewish Age, and the twentieth century, in particular, is the Jewish Century... Modernization, in other words, is about everyone becoming Jewish.
Indeed, the Modern Age is the Jewish Age, and the twentieth century most certainly was the Jewish Century. Organized Jewry - a subversive, international criminal mafia operating all across the globe - came to dominate and largely control Western politics and governments, banking and international finance, media, academia and other aspects of Western society over the course of the past century.
Talmudic Judaism's triumph over Western society - politically, culturally, and economically - was, for all intents and purposes, accomplished during the twentieth century. Of course, all students of history - real history, as opposed to the distorted, politically correct "history" students are taught in grade school and in college - recognize the destructive, parasitic nature of organized Jewry over time, no matter which nation they settle in.
Beginning in the 1600s at least, when Jews began to migrate and "assimilate" into non-Jewish, largely Christian societies in Europe, the systematic assault upon and eventual subversion of Western civilization began.  Jewish money-lenders corrupted various European courts and the traditional aristocracy, and Jewish agents infiltrated and largely took over Freemasonry and other secret societies in order to advance their international Talmudic agenda of world domination.  Radical Jewish "intellectuals" formulated and advanced a variety of destructive and subversive political and cultural ideologies - primarily international Communism and cultural Marxism - as a means to control the societal reaction to the Industrial Revolution and its consequences (international Communism) and to critique and subvert traditional European society (cultural Marxism), paving the way for the total annihilation of Western civilization and its social, cultural, religious, political, and economic norms.
However, for many centuries the Jew was always regarded as an alien, even hostile, element in European society, namely for being the murderer of Jesus Christ and engaging in corrupt business practices, including the illegitimate and anti-Christian practice of usury - loaning money at interest to a third party.  Most Jews themselves saw Gentiles as "the Other", and often lived separately, viewing assimilation and inter-marriage as destructive to the Jewish people (a phenomenon widely practiced today by Jews).  Dr. F.K. Wiebe, a German intellectual, published Germany and the Jewish Problem in 1939 on behalf of the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Problem in Berlin. He had this to say on the nature of the Jewish race and the process in which this hostile, alien group came to infiltrate and usurp European society:
The Jewish question undoubtedly dates back some two thousand years. Strictly speaking it is even older — namely, as old as the history of the Jews. The Jewish question arises everywhere where the nomadic Jewish race comes into contact with other peoples having a settled abode. [...]
It is a unique, and in the last resort inexplicable phenomenon, that on the one hand the Jews have never been able to find a permanent home in which to develop a political and social existence "sui generis," while on the other hand they have never proved capable of being absorbed by any of the innumerable countries in which they have sought hospitality. [...]
It is an incontrovertible historical fact that those peoples with a settled abode who throughout the ages afforded hospitality to nomadic Jewish tribes, invariably regarded the latter as an essentially dissimilar race and not merely as a different religious community. Hence hospitality was only granted to the Jews under special conditions. It is interesting to observe in this connection that in every case where a European State was weak and financially impoverished, the restrictions imposed on the Jews were greatly relaxed and eventually abrogated. The numerical preponderance of the Jews in Eastern Europe — which has become the reservoir of Jewry in modern times — is to a large extent attributable to the political and financial weakness of the former Kingdom of Poland.
The opening of the so-called "modern era" seemed nevertheless to herald a period of permanent peace and rest for the hitherto restless wandering Jew. It was the era of enlightenment, of liberalism, of belief in the ideals of progress and the rights of man. Conformably with the principles in vogue in this era, the Jews only differed by their religion from other citizens and as such enjoyed equality with the adherents of other religious bodies. They were no longer considered as appertaining to a different race, in other words as strangers. Differentiation on ethnical grounds between the Jews and the native population was on principle abolished by the French Revolution, and this principle was adhered to alike by the legislation and the social custom of ensuing decades.
The nineteenth century was thus dominated by the tenet of the emancipation and assimilation of the Jews.
Prior to the twentieth century, the Jews sought, and eventually gained, equal rights and social acceptance, at least officially, within their host societies, oftentimes after enduring hostility, scorn, and suspicion. The Judeo-Masonic ideas of "equality", "liberty", and "fraternity" eventually prevailed in the West, and largely replaced racialist or nationalist ideas of political organization. Jewish-inspired liberalism (read: Communism) eroded and ultimately destroyed the natural conception of racial nationalism, especially following the defeat of National Socialist Germany in the fratricidal Jewish instigated genocidal campaign of destruction commonly known as World War II.
As Dr. Wiebe pointed out above, the prevailing political attitude throughout the 1800s was one which gave legitimacy to the notion that the Jew was in fact a member of Western European society, albeit as a member of a religious minority.  As a result of the political and social acceptance of the Jew, at least in official and elite circles, he gained prominence in various sectors of Western society, in particular in banking and money lending, politics, commerce, finance, the media, and academia.