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Crushing military defeat of Israel could free Americans: Dean Henderson

Dean Henderson

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March 29, 2013

A political activist says a crushing military defeat of Israel and the truth and honest points of view exposed through the Internet could help free the United States from Zionist control.

A Pro-Palestine rights group in the United States has launched an advertising campaign to protest against Washington’s support for the Israeli regime. The American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) started its campaign on March 26 by unveiling some of the ads that will appear for four weeks at 25 stations on the Metro North train line near New York City. The advertisements call for an end to the Israeli apartheid and the financial aid that the US provides to the Israeli regime every year in a show of public anger.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Dean Henderson, author of Big Oil & Their Bankers, to further discuss the issue. What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Mr. Henderson in these very tough economic times in the United States do you think that the average American really realizes how much of their tax payer dollars go to Israel and if so why don’t we see a greater reaction than we do?

Henderson: Well, yeah I don’t think probably most people do. Most people in this country are just working double time and preoccupied with just making a living.

The AIPAC lobby in this country is incredibly powerful pretty much if you want to be a nominee for either party as president you have to be pro-Israel and yet Israel is a totally illegitimate state; it’s a creation of Rothschild’s; it’s a gendarme in the Middle East for what I call the Rockefeller Rothschild oil cartel and basically they are going to stir up the Arab World; attack the Arabs and steal their oil.

But I don’t think most people are aware of it and largely it has to do with AIPAC; it also has to do with the control of the media by the Zionists. I mean they own every station in this country, every TV station, many of newspapers and they always reflect a pro-Israeli stance.

So I always say you know this is America and if you want to support Israel over the interest of our country because honestly the interest of America is being undermined as well as the interests of the Arabs. I mean we’re being put into harm’s way; we’re being dragged into these wars; we’re expected to pay for them; our boys die.

Who benefits from it? Well, you know the sponsors of Israel which is Rothschilds and international bankers and the Federal Reserve cartel.

Press TV: What is it going to take Mr. Henderson then? You said basically that with the control of the media as far as the Zionists and also with the AIPAC lobby that basically they have a tight grip on the United States.

So what will it take basically to break this cycle and wake up the American people in order not only that it could help the rest of the world perhaps with basically the Americans themselves, the United States itself free itself from Zionist control?

Henderson: Well, I think there is a couple of things, I think the first, maybe the most important is the emergence of a new media which is the Internet. People like myself we have blogs, many different websites now, much more honest point of view it’s trying to get at the truth.

And I think this new media is what increasingly in America young kids especially are watching this. They don’t watch TV anymore; they don’t read newspapers; they don’t read books unfortunately but they do get on the Internet and I think there is just a growing voice of people out there who are sick and tired of being led around by the nose by these Israelis.

And I think the other thing that could help and that could change things is a crushing military defeat of Israel at the hands of somebody, unfortunately.