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The Execution of Jewish Men in Dzerzhinsk (Romanov) (Video)

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March 1, 2013


Perhaps, as one might say, the Jews were merely given the taste of their own Judo-communist medicine – even if these were totally wrong Jews. However, with precious few exceptions, no Jew was ever heard protesting against the mass executions and violent deportations of ‘totally wrong Palestinians’, either – any more than they were ever heard protesting against the mass murders of the 66 million ‘goyim’ in the former Soviet Union, most of whom were arrested by the Jew-run NKVD, ‘automatically’ sentenced by the Jew-run ‘courts’ and brutally driven to death in the Jew-run concentration camps.

On the contrary, only a few years ago, the Jews flew in from overseas to the Jew-occupied Palestine to cheer on the Jew mass murders in the Gaza concentration camp – perpetrated with callous connivance of Mossad-friendly Shabbes-goyim – as a rule, paid off by the Jews with the money picked from the pockets of their own tax-payers. For example, in flagrant violation of the Australian Foreign Recruitment Act 1978, no Australian government ever initiated a single prosecution against any Jew holding an Australian passport for joining that notorious nuclear- armed terrorist Zion-gang known as the “Israeli army”. Juden über alles!  Heil Hitler!

The 1941 German invasion of the Soviets largely brought to an end the mass-murderous Stalinist purges, except that the war itself was the greatest purge of them all – and, of the 27 million Soviet war dead, even those actually killed by the German bombs and bullets were, in fact, murdered by the Soviet Judo-communist policies and practices that brought about the German invasion, in the first place – having, earlier on, criminally enabled the German invasion of Poland – as desired by the Rothschilds, coincidentally. The 1939 war trigger of the Anglo-French ‘guarantees’ to Poland had the Jew Rothschild Zion-banksters’ stamp on it as much as the Balfour Declaration had.  Likewise, the fact that the 1916 Christmas Truce failed to lead to the end of WW1 is owed to the Jews and Jews alone, as the price of the Balfour Declaration was the Jew-engineered US entry into WW1 – and continuation of the war.

By 1948, when the Jews ceased being the perennial ‘flavour of the month’ in the Soviet Union, most of the 66 million victims of the ‘peace-time’ mass exterminations were already shot or worked or starved or frozen to death.  Very few mass murders took place after that – very few, indeed – by the Soviet Judo-communist standards.  --Rod Remelin

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