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Brutality, crimes continue to defame Israel: Analyst

Press TV

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Dec. 4, 2012

Interview with Mr. Mark Glenn, Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, Idaho.

An analyst credits Iran and other respectable world leaders for affecting most countries to stand up and say they won't tolerate Israel's atrocities and brutality any longer.




In the background of this on November 29, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to upgrade Palestine’s status to non-member observer state granting Palestinians access to UN agencies and the International Criminal Court, where they can file formal complaints against the Israeli regime. Western and pro-Israeli countries voted either no or abstained. None actually voted yes. This backlash however against Israel has seen a reaction from Netanyahu announcing the proposed construction of 3,000 new settlements on Palestinian occupied lands - a slap in the face of UN resolutions and against international law.


Press TV has interviewed Mr. Mark Glenn, Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, Idaho about this issue. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.


Press TV: Looking at the situation with Israel… supposedly there have been some Western countries that are complaining now and have even summoned Israeli envoys, but do you think that they will really put the pressure that needs to be put on Tel Aviv to at least stop with this aggression with these new settlements?


Glenn: Absolutely not. The US could bring Israel to her knees in one day if she actually decided to get tough with her simply by cutting off the tens of millions of dollars that flow from the West everyday.


If the West were to put sanctions on Israel the way that sanctions have been put against Iran or if for example in the case of the United States if we were to stop the flow of money that varies anywhere from 10 to 30 million dollars a day from tax payer's money to Israel, Israel would be at the bargaining table within a microsecond to do whatever she had to do in order to rectify the situation.




This is just political theater. This is being done to make it look as if the West were actually a down the middle of the road fair unbiased player in all of this, but it's just political theater; it's just typical Zionist Hollywood.



Press TV: Do you think that the winds are changing at all? We have seen last week of course with the whole UN vote for a Palestinian state and we have seen the majority of countries in the world basically going against Israel.


And now with this new situation Israel has been extremely bold after that vote and has started talking about more settlements. However, do you think that there is a possibility that the winds though are changing in the international community?


Glenn: Yes. I think that the pity party is over. I think the rest of the world is fed up with Israel. They are fed up with Jewish power; they are fed up with the wars; and all of the goodwill that the rest of the world entertained for the Jewish people in the aftermath of World War II that basically was the currency that was used to create Israel and the currency that has bought the silence of the world in the face of all of this brutality and oppression that Israel has inflicted upon the Palestinians, that currency now has lost its value. It doesn't exist anymore; it's a bank account that has been bled dry.




And I would have to credit nations such as Iran and leaders such as Ahmadinejad for helping to bring about this change of season. Now that we have respectable world leaders and powerful countries who are coming forward and who are standing up to this brutality, to this ungodly behavior, I think it has inspired much of the rest of the world to see that if they can do it then we should do it as well.



And I think they understand it as well also - these countries - that one day its going to be their own neck in line. It's the Palestinians today and other people of the Middle East.


But Israel is not picky about whose blood she sheds and if that means other nations have to be destroyed in order for her to meet her strategic goals then she will do that as well.