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Likud Announces Greater Israel

Roi Tov

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Nov. 6, 2012

14 million Jews between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River

A popular saying claims that a picture is worth a thousand words. Yet, some pictures are beyond such quantification, like the one to the right. It belongs to the 2011 Leah Rabin Remembrance Ceremony and was taken on November 12 of that year; it shows President Shimon Peres delivering a speech. You don't need to know the problematic relationship between Peres and Rabin—the latter called Peres an "indefatigable conspirator"—to recognize the disgust of Peres in his contracted lower lip. A comic little touch is a badly fit black kipah which is almost touching his forehead, as if purposely showing disrespect. The 2012 yearly remembrance of Yitzhak Rabin at the Knesset—on November 4—was the occasion of a scandal and further disclosures of Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin regarding the plans of his party—Likud—for the next government. A few days before the sad event, he urged the annexation of the West Bank, during the Rabin Remembrance Ceremony at the Knesset, he went far beyond that.