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Stuart Wilde

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Oct. 30, 2 012

he Jews are very twitchy if anyone criticizes them or Israel, journalists that don’t agree politically are often fired, or they are falsely labeled as racists. But the Jews refer to non-Jews as goyim (cattle), and their Holy Books allow Jews to kill the goyim, and rip them off, it’s not a sin, and they can subjugate the goyim as slaves.

Let’s say there are 14 million Jews and they all use the cattle word five times a day, that amounts to 25.5 billion racial insults a year. Anti-moo-ism.

Non-Jews Having a Leisurely Lunch

Now if the Jews insult you, you have to rise above it, you are not supposed to insult them back 25 billion times in return, or even one time. Stay pure, don’t be a racist, no matter who insults you.

The Hasidic Jews (pictured here in black), don’t believe in the formation of the state of Israel,

Hasidic Jews Dancing with the Rabbit from the Matrix

it is forbidden in their Holy Books. They are required to live as guests in other peoples’ countries and to treat their hosts with respect, so they don’t agree with the government of Israel’s genocide in Palestine. I’ve watched the Hasidic people being interviewed on YouTube, they seem very decent people to me. I like them a lot.

If they ran Israel, the abuse of Palestine and the “drip feed” of fear the beleaguered Israeli citizens are fed daily by their government, would soon be over.

There are “cattle people” that are often very warm and kind, the American ones have given the Jews $300 million a month for thirty years. The moo-cows help the world’s poor, and they go to the aid of lepers in Africa, and they fight wars to protect the Jews from their Moslem enemies, Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan.

My nephew was in the Grenadier Guards, a very prestigious, highly decorated English regiment that was formed in 1656.

No 3 Company, The First Battalion, The Grenadier Guard, Afghanistan (image the Daily Telegraph, London)

They were in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, it was very dangerous, both his commanding officers were killed. He was promoted on the battlefield to the rank of major, aged twenty-eight. Brave cattle. Later he got a medal of some kind from Prince Charles.

No sign of the Jews, side-by-side with the Grenadier Guards and the American regiments, the Jews were safe in their beds back home, the Christian moo-cows go to war for them. See how a twitchy karma starts to unfold?

Now, here’s a karma twist that may surprise you. The Jews invented the atom bomb (Einstein/ Oppenheimer) and they invented the hydrogen bomb (Edward Teller) and they also invented the neutron bomb (Samuel Cohen in 1958). Those bombs are what they gave us, and the bombs have created a terrible fear for the world’s population, which has lasted 65 years. There is a karma in it, here’s how.

Sal Mineo (1939-1976)

Sal Mineo the American actor of the 1960s, who starred opposite James Dean in “Rebel without a Cause” was obsessed by knives. He had a large collection of them, he was stabbed to death in a parking lot behind his home.

If you focus on a threat that is not real, eventually a real threat arrives. Your feelings pull it to you. It is very mysterious how karma is a precise mathematical formula, and metaphysically, karma never forgets, as it hovers in an eternal now.

Israel is in the Sal Mineo effect. The Jews are scared of being destroyed by the very bomb they invented, and like Sal Mineo they have a massive hoard of nuclear warheads, 200-300 of them and yet they are scared of Iran with its as yet unmade, single bomb.

So there are four terrors: The non-existent, phony threat that the Sal Mineo Jews feel, which is of their own making. The second terror is in part, that they can feel the black energy of their “goyim slur” coming back at them, and then there is the karma of their abuse of Palestine, which induces paranoia. The fourth terror is one we all feel, and that is the very real threat of the Jews sucking us into their “stuff” with nuclear annihilation and World War III.

The bent politicians won’t protect Palestine as they are scared of the Jews, and they get money from them as bribes and donations, so the politicians order their armies to fight, they won’t protect their citizens, or act against Israel with sanctions say.

And the western media is Jewish so it won’t mention the truth of it all, and everyone else, all seven billion moo-cows, Africans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Chinese, white people etc., are truly naused off with the

Grenadier Guards Returning to England

Jewish “thing”, and the unnecessary fear it creates, and all the dead soldiers, it ain’t kosher to them, but they can’t make a stand, so in theory the reign of the Jews over us could go on forever. Moo.

But that is not how it works out. The first vision I saw (2001) was the most important of all my now 200,000 visions. It was a four-color video clip that played in my mind’s eye in great detail of Jerusalem being destroyed by a nuclear bomb.

Karma has no vengeance, it’s just in a very complex mathematics that seeks to balance its equations. The Jews stole Palestine and they evicted 4-5 million people at gunpoint, and they took the lands and houses and farms without paying compensation, and then a superior force came and it took Israel back from them. The equation cancelled itself out.

I can’t see how the Moslems will manage it, the Russians might do it, then it occurred to me that maybe there is a nuclear accident of some kind and one of the Israeli bombs goes off in their midst in some way.

I was also shown later in another series of visions that the Jews that embrace kindness and the Christian or Buddhist principles of humility and non-judgment survive, there are loads of Jews, thousands, that are on a different parabola of the karmic wave, the survivors have been shown to me in visions in very precise detail.

Love is the answer. We have to love the Jews no matter what, just because they suffer from the disease of pretending to be special, there is no need to attack them, we still have to care for them and bring them round, the ones that want to transcend anyway.

If they will embrace love and kindness and they make peace, and drop their goyim racial slurs inflicted on people like the Americans who are very kind to them, all will be well, or if the Hasidic philosophy gains political power in some miraculous way, Israel will be saved, if not, karma will unfold in its precise way and the problems in the Middle East will be solved anyway. Stuart Wilde.

“Travel Moo-ly amid the waste,

for the meek will inherit the earth,

even if there’s not much to inherit.” Stuart Wilde