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Sheeniology - The study of parasitic sabotage

John Kaminiski

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Oct. 29, 2012

The science of sheeniology pertains to every aspect of your life — from the mundane ugliness of telephone debt collectors to the whispers in the corridors of power that determine the fate of millions.

From every fact you've ever ingested to every disease you've ever contracted. And from every effort you make to live a happy life, to every roadblock that is put in your path to keep you from achieving it.

Sheeniology is the study of the sheen, the malicious fog that has clouded our brains over time like some sick static that interferes with us hearing the real world screaming in the background. This sheen has been draped over us like a poison syrup that has distorted everything that comes into our minds.

Two days ago, on the last broadcast of Lark in Texas on RBN (he was kicked out, presumably for excessive candor), we talked about sheenies.  I mistakenly guessed they were ancient Irish fairy folk, akin to the Siddhees, or Tuatha de Danaan, or some other clan of magical metaphorical beings like the poet Alexander Pope's sylphs and nymphs and naiads and dryads, those little things with wings that hover in our fairy tales and dreams.

It took a timely forward from my friendly Polish Revisionist stalwart in Australia, Jerzy Ulicki-Rek, to produce the definitive description of the word "sheenie".

Professor Revilo P. Oliver: A Persistent Hoax

The famous geographer, Strabo, writing c. 35 B.C., referring to an event of 87 B.C., and possibly echoing Artemidorus of Ephesus, c. 100 B.C., stated that the oecumene, i.e., the world inhabited by civilized or semi-civilized peoples, was "full of Jews," who had "penetrated every city" and become so ubiquitous that, he said, "it is not easy to find any place in the oecumene into which their race has not made its way or in which it has not gained mastery [over the natives]." (2) He also noted that the aliens obtained special privileges and were allowed to function as an enclave largely independent of the local government. This account was proudly endorsed by the Jews' famous apologist, Josephus (Ant. XIV, vii, 2 = Chapters 112-118), writing c. A.D. 94, who quotes Strabo verbatim.

I notice that Ralph Marcus, in his generally excellent translation in the Loeb series, hesitantly attenuates the clear meaning of the Greek and translates "made its power felt." He recognizes that the Greek verb normally means 'to have dominion over,' but thinks that since Strabo disliked Jews, he would not have conceded their mastery over the lands they invaded. Likes or dislikes, however, are irrelevant to observed facts. Like Strabo, I dislike Sheenies, but I acknowledge their now total mastery over the fatuous American people.)

Nothing is more obvious than that the predatory race had thrust its international tentacles into every country in which there was profit to be made by swindling the natives two centuries or more before the imaginary "diaspora" of A.D. 70, but by dint of repetition the absurd hoax continues to impose on the ignorant and gullible and even finds its way into a magazine read by persons whose scientific or technical training probably included little history and so left them with scant ability to perceive how spurious it is.

On a Darkmoon chatroom the other day, I ran afoul of a poster named Ruth Bernstein, who congratulated the host on her accurate empirical analysis, which was kind of a Sheenie World Status Report. But then Ruth couldn't help revealing the ethos of her twisted thinking by announcing that she had to continue to hate Darkmoon for revealing true facts about the Sheenie Conspiracy.

My tribe right or wrong.

So now, hopefully, you can at least perceive at least the dim contours of the Sheenie menace.

Here are a few pertinent facts to help you flesh out the details:

• There is a trail that leads from the killing of the king of England in the 1600s, through the Bank of England and the Portuguese bankers who flooded in from Holland and Germany like the Hyksos invaders had flooded into Egypt all those centuries ago. The men who held the reins of this wagon of social unrest and native destabilization, by their control of the volume of currency, were Sheenies.

This trail winds its bloody way through history, down through the American and French Revolutions, with Jewish skidgreasers meticulously applying the cash to make it all happen. This pattern continues through every twist and turn of the American experiment, through the corporatization of America in 1871 and 1886, past the Federal Reserve installation to start World War I in 1913, the gold heist and U.S. bankruptcy in 1933, to 9/11/2001 and the bailouts of 2008 and beyond, odor of Sheenie is the universal clue that pervades all these crime scenes.

The Rothschilds built the railroads and commandeered the entire continent, ever exterminating and marginalizing its unwanted inhabitants. This process has never ceased, and is viscerally visible in the assessment of the status of our own personal health today, which is under siege and probably permanently diminished from deliberate, government-created diseases. Monsanto was the name of famous slave traders who developed their sales of human flesh into the poison-peddling monster it is today.

• With the 2012 U.S. presidential election less than two weeks away, dozens of capable alternative candidates have been marginalized into obscurity by Sheenie media, and precious few voting American citizens realize that the entire staffs of both current major-mainstream-media-acceptable candidates are surrounded by staffs that are entirely and exclusively composed of dual Israeli-American citizens.

Since the installation of the Homeland Security totalitarianism template, U.S law has been shaped into a festering monster of unconstitutional Executive Orders, whose fiendish plots are applied directly from the criminal entrepreneurial class into the scrambled minds of the anesthetized American populace.

Celebrity personalities, paid by shrewd investors, dominate our consciousnesses with memetic instructions for the masses to follow — homephilia and miscegenalia are good, the music and movies tell us, as halfbreed zombies that copulate with anything moves now live in our White House.

Like CNN and the so-called "news networks" that have now essentially turned into game shows, reality has become a television sitcom, where the Jewish humor is never really funny, but everyone is nevertheless forced to laugh.

This script is always written by the same Sheenies, and always harmful to everyone, especially the ones they pretend to liberate.

No attempt to perceive what could be lifesaving information if our present situation degenerates much further, your mastery of sheeniology will be incomplete without one certain informative perspective by a master of cultural history who is widely regard as "a raving anti-Semite" by the kosher mind machine that controls us all.

Eustace Mullins: The Biological Jew

(from first page of Foreword)

. . . no scholar had previously thought to examine this factor as a prime cause of the degeneration and fall of empires.

This factor was parasitism. In the great advances which medicine had made during the past century, one of its most impressive achievements had been the rapidly developing field of parasitology. It has been found that many of man's most serious ailments were caused by parasites.

From these studies, it was only a matter of time before scholars would be able to deduce that a similar condition might occur among man's civilizations, and that it might also cause sickness and death.

It was to be expected that in the autopsies of buried empires, scholars should conclude that this condition, parasitism, was a definitive factor in the fatal diseases that befell human civilizations.

The ramifications of sheeniology are stupendous, both on the history of the world and your own present precarious life.

Sheeniology is the key to unlocking our present dilemmas, from where all the malevolent events seem to stem from, a dark whirlpool of enforced silence and intensifying brutality of spirit and action, so fearsomely represented by barely coherent soldiers on steroids who come home and become cops, taze grandmothers and brutalize the homeless for their failure to follow society's deliberately deceptive lies.

Who is responsible for all this misery? Study sheeniology and find out.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.