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John Kaminiski

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Oct. 27, 2012

The one element that unites all the clues and answers all the questions



Travel back thirty-five centuries, to a chiseled inscription on a giant temple near the banks of the Nile. The words reverberate in your mind as you realize they exactly match the headline in today's newspaper.


"No one can be at ease when they are milched by the taxes of the Asiatics!"

— Kamose (1630-1540 BC), the last of the Theban kings 

who drove the Hyksos, or proto-Hebrews, out of Egypt.


quoted by Donald B. Redford in Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times,

chapter 5, The Hyksos in Egypt, p. 115, Princeton University Press, 1992


Definition of the word "milch" 


1. (Merriam Webster): to take milk from a cow, first used 14th century AD. <> 2. Urban Dictionary (a modern Jewish compilation): the process of adding copious amounts of semen into cups of orange juice <> [Ed. note: Note the Jewish technique of pornographizing common language and the depraved description of contemporary culture.]


Kamose, son of Tao II the Brave (Wikipedia) and the older brother of Thutmose III who would complete his work, struck the first blow to regain independence after the Invasion of the Sea Peoples had ravaged Egypt for centuries, when he attacked Tell el-Yehudiyeh, a Hyksos settlement about 16 km north-northeast of Heliopolis.


Two stelae erected at Karnak recount details of his campaigns against the Hyksos . . . With a fleet and desert tribal troops from Nubia, he made a surprise attack against the southernmost Hyksos stronghold. Continuing his northward march, Kamose showed no mercy to Egyptians who had made accommodations with the enemy. He also claimed that his fleet captured Hyksos ships laden with weapons and that he sailed past the Hyksos capital itself, in the eastern Nile River delta, where he taunted and insulted the enemy king.


The more multiple, well-researched views of history you have, the clearer each scene — from whatever era it derives — becomes.


A suspicious trail of similarities has haunted me over these past few decades. Let me boil it down to a few words.


Back in 2003, when I saw through the 9/11 deception earlier than most, I simply began tracking the data of the event, insofar as my modest intellect could comprehend what I was seeing.


I always fog out at mathematics and engineering, so I'd get lost in the technical arguments. They were beyond my comprehension.


But I began to detect the same explanations for all of the aspects of the preposterously complex 9/11 arguments. That explanation was — "we can't talk about this because of national security".


As dual Israeli-Americans citizens dominate the U.S. government, media and academia, this malodorous mantra now seers our consciousness with the bleeding nightmare it has wreaked upon the world.


After I saw clearly that 9/11 was definitely some kind of inside job, I quickly attached the evidence of Jewish fingerprints to every aspect of the caper. It is the one element that unites all the clues and answers all the questions.


Funny how it should happen to be that the very perpetrators of this ultimate insult to loyal citizens should be the very ones who  . . .


• Control all our money with schemes we cannot begin to fathom, which is why they deliberately change the rules so often — simply to accelerate and exacerbate the scams.


• And hence, control the media, which dazzles us with its secret-message music while it lulls us into the coma of its diabolical deceptions.


So, as I say, 9/11 opened a window for me that made me realize all the events of 20th century America — installed in our minds as happy relics of honor and bravery — were not what they said they were — they were all manufactured horrors conceived, deployed and sadistically enjoyed by Jewish bankers, who have been in control of the known world since the end of the American Civil War.


When you walk through that door of 9/11 truth, it opens the door to a nightmare realization that America, robotically driven by Jewish bankers, has left a terrible trail of blood and misery from the time Rothschild's Jewish banking (ahem) advisers controlled the king of England as America struggled to be born. 


America has been lying to itself all this time.


Today its machinations bleed the world dry, while our controllers snicker in their opulence as the toothless souls on fouled streets shout out in manic panic: "Skid Row! Coming to your neighborhood real soon!"


And that's what galvanized Kamose into action.


So, looking back from the 9/11 event, you have a string of American-generated brush wars going on throughout the world, all to feed the corporate weapons manufacturers, who in concert with the oil tycoons, determine every single piece of information that goes into our heads.


As I looked back I saw the same trend in every event throughout history. 


Vietnam and the Kennedy assassination were actually a softcore World War III, maybe when the controllers actually learned that we could be intimidated just by properly constructed fearmongering, which seems to intensify with each passing day. Or maybe they've always known that.


The lingering Holocaust hysteria was actually invented at that same time, in the Sixties, where it was mixed into a brew of hippie hedonism, senseless war and family destabilization. That pattern of social sabotage through sex, drugs and rock and roll, pertains to all the betrayals back through time, from Roman orgies to Dark Ages asceticism.


The World Wars were megamanufactured productions of men manipulating currencies. And that this God has prevailed in human influence is only a testament to our own fearful gullibility, as every day we continue to prove that we may not trust ourselves with any great confidence.


Something to believe in is exactly what we need.


There is a worldwide system of Judaic control clamped upon our minds.


It makes us concede to poison medicine and food, endless wars and empty lives, pockmarked by bureaucratic injury and insult, when all we ever wanted — we being people in every corner of the world — was to live happy lives with the ones we love.


Yet we are turned into robot stooges, deprived of the time to think about what we really want to do, entrained from birth to become a cog in this mechanized system of mind manipulation that prevents us from freely choosing our own future.


So I can cite hundreds of examples of Jewish sabotage of all societies back through time, but the one thing I couldn't do was pin the destruction of Ancient Egypt on the heinous Heebs, at least not according to Donald Redford's 1992 archeology classic "Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times".


The first appearance of Hebrews in Egyptian artifacts appears much later than the invasion of the Hyksos, or Sea Peoples, although the legend of the Shepard Kings, lastly a pharaoh named Apophis, pertains to this era but has unfairly been expropriated by doctrinal zealots trying to construct their fables convincingly.


According to Redford, in the late 1400s BC, the Shasu were an illiterate hill tribe that blended in with dozens of other tribes who gravitated to Egypt in the same way any immigrant gravitates toward a major metropolis — in order to eat and find a happy life. Archeological evidence links them to Edom.


The earliest trace of the wraith known as Yahweh, an inscription, stems from this time. "Yhw (in) the land of the Shasu" (p. 272)


Dominating the primitive concepts of the community was the notion of a contract between Yahweh the god of the group and the human community. [. . .] Sovereignty resided with Yahweh, not the community (Jud. 8:23), and while the latter repeatedly reneged on the contract, Yahweh never did.


The rules he laid down, unilaterally in fact — the human party to the contract had no say in the matter — were Draconian in the extreme, and the deity's will utterly barbaric.


Alien groups whose actions or even presence were deemed in opposition to Israel are consigned to genocidal slaughter at the behest of Yahweh (Exod. 17:14, Num. 31; 1 Sam 15:3); even fraternization with foreigners brings the plague (Num. 25:9, 18). Anyone who dissents Yahweh burns up (Num. 11:1-3, 16:35); anyone who complains he strikes with plague (Num. 11:33; 14:37; 16:49), or sends poisonous snakes after (Num. 21:6). Aberrant cultic practices, even though indulged in innocently, bring death (Exod. 32:35; Num. 15:37-40).


I ask all Muslims, Christians and Jews this question. 


Why do you come after me when I point out the facts of history you are trying to conceal? Does this mean you are irredeemable as people, forever prevented from being honest by the boobytrapped myths you have ingested? 


What it really means is that you are fully aware of your complicity in the crimes of your demented tribes. It also means that you are unfit and unhealthy members of a blossoming collective human entity, and you will eventually be expunged as the disease-bearing rodents you have demonstrated yourselves to be.


Blinded by a false promise that can never be delivered.


This whole Ivy League pedigree thing is just another Jewish implantation, meant to lead you away from the obvious choices. Goethe (gur-ta) became a genius by not going to school at all. And he was a happy guy.




John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.