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Oct. 12, 2012












Tomorrow, the ancient symbolism used by ZIONISTS will be published in Feed Your Brain Magazine - the Zionists and Satanists and Mormons in the Church of Latter Day Saints will wake up to find that 288,000 Feed Your Brain Magazine Readers know their deepest secrets - here is one to give you a taste of what our special article contains...


    Asmodeus is the king of the demons in Jewish mythology and seems to be schizophrenically connected with 'Apollyon' who is another demon known as "the destroyer," or the "destroying angel".  Apollyon is called Abaddon (or Abadan - spellings vary) and this is a high ranking password within Freemasonry and Mormonism.

    The name Apollo (Greek; 'Apollon') was often linked in ancient Greek writings with the verb apollymi or apollyo, which means "destroy".  Apollo has nothing to do with the Sun - this is a historical misnomer.

    The Book of Revelation, chapter/verse 9:11 reads;


"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon".


Therefore, all 'ZIONist' and fundamental religious bigots will want to commit some destructive act on that date to show their unswerving dedication to Asmodeus and the pantheon of demons in Jewish demonology... read CHRIS EVERARD'S in-depth new research into Howard Hughes, 911. Mitt Romney and the Jewish pantheon of demons SUBECRIBE HERE  

The October issue of Feed Your Brain Magazine investigates not only HOWARD HUGHES and MITT ROMNEY - but also the symbolism of 911...  It is published the day after tomorrow - and will arrive with a DOWNLOAD LINK to our archive of 300MB of iBooks!
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Chris' new SPIRITWORLD films is being finalised and mastered and shall be shipped very soon - thank you all for your patience; you can see DOCUMENTARIES about spiritualism and interviews with Mediums on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL

Thank you for your support, kind regards; Chris