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The slander-and-evade technique

John Kaminiski

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Oct. 8, 2012

Written April 29, 2012

How they pull the wool over everyone's eyes


No matter how you cut it, as a religion, Judaism is indefensible.

It simply cannot be defended. It is morally repugnant, provably psychopathological, and demonstrably harmful to all living things, including even the fearful, onanistic creators of its own odious and insane dogma.

That's why I keep screaming to the growing multitude of honest people waking up to the lethal reality of Jewish control of everything we see and do:

"Jews can't defend their position!"

"They can only slander and evade as they cover up their crimes!"

They can only tell you what a bad person you for trying to bring out the truth about their crimes, when in fact you are only trying to be honest.

Everyone who has fought their way through the myriad layers of social conditioning concealing this ubiquitous Jewish criminality knows exactly what I'm talking about.

When we try to make a point about the slaughter of innocents in Gaza and around the world, or realize the senseless treatments we get for nonexistent illnesses, or notice how all of these Jewish media buffoons never mention radiation, Stuxnet, or Furkan Dogan, what do we hear from our Jewish "friends" or "supporters" — or, more to the point, sponsors?

"You're a hater!"

When we try to redress some grievous and thoughtless wrong that has been done to us by own government, we are told by our Jewish lawyer who pretends to defend us but really splits the proceeds of our fleecing with the prosecutor and the judge, "We all have to pitch in and pull together to guarantee our homeland's security." You go crying to your Jewish doctor about this, and he says, "Let me adjust your medication."

Let's get something straight right now. The original hate crime is the Talmud, which mandates that Jews kill or enslave everyone in the world, never tell the truth about anything, and always celebrate those sacred holidays on which Jews have slaughtered large numbers of non Jews without compassion and by deception.

Which is why it's so sardonically funny that Jews are implementing all these hate crime laws to protect psychologically twisted homosexuals, ignorantly rampaging gangsta Africans, and unctuous liberals who just want to watch TV, play computer games, and generally go along with whatever the government tells them to do because, as proud Americans, these pigeons have been taught that those perps called our elected officials have our best interests at heart.

And exactly who told us that? Why, none other than the Jewish censor who has screened every textbook you ever read, every encyclopedia you ever opened, as well as every song you've ever heard.

The Talmud is a malignant mind control program that has sabotaged, infected and metastasized every human endeavor with its utter lack of humanity and compassion, its pathological passion for blood and excrement, and its recommendation that it's OK to lie about anything as long as you're making a profit.

This may be a viable formula for survival, but it is no formula for actual life. Instead, it is the formula for mass death, which is the ultimate alienation from life, and which has been so vividly demonstrated by Lenin and Trotsky, or Sharon and Netanyahu, or Schiff and Gore, or most especially your local politician sucking Jewish teat and taking money under the table.

The question you get from Jews when you criticize any aspect of their behavior is . . . "Surely you're not talking about *ALL* Jews?" (which indicates at some level that they acknowledge what you're saying is true)

This is the first level of the deceptive distraction technique to derail your original thought (which was, don't forget, that you were talking about some particular Jewish atrocity, like the continuing obliteration of all Palestinians as well as all people who look like them).

It took me a long time to figure out how to answer this question, and get past the initial level of distraction and discouragement that Jews always use to deflect and detoxify your argument. Before I had mastered my anger, I used to say, "Right, Ace. Which 99 percent of Jews are the ones causing the problems?"

While sardonically hilarious to those who appreciate its meaning, I found it was not effective, because it abetted the distraction from the original argument about a specific Jewish atrocity, like the Auschwitz lie or the recent PR campaign that the swine flu shot was good for you, just to use two examples out of the millions that exist.

I've come to understand that a much more effective response to the Jewish attempt to always change what you really want to say is this:

"The real question is not about Jews at all. It's about Judaism, which is toxic to everyone, even its purveyors. The problems of the world are not caused by splinter groups of Judaism, they are caused by the central core tenets of Judaism, which are above all a psychotic call for vengeance for crimes against Jews, both actual and imagined."

All the great philosophers, from Buddha to Clif High, know that vengeance is never appropriate. And the fact that all our religions both teach and condone vengeance is the true measure of their illegitimacy.

Jews have no concept of compassion. Like invisible ink on a suspicious contract, it has been willingly erased, along with their consciences.

All these events Jews call crimes against Jews were characterized by EVERY OTHER culture in world history as compassionate neutralization of diseased pariahs distinguished in the arts of deception, robbery and murder, which is why they were kept compassionately segregated in their own fetid excremental ghettoes, and actually banished at least 82 times over the course of their sad history.

And always banished for the same reason — loan sharking.

But then, due to the universal lack of moral fiber among the victims of Jewish perfidy, Jews are always allowed back in, using their time tested formula of bribery, blackmail and murder. No country has ever been taken over by Jews that has not been completely destroyed, turned into a twitching zombie of its former self, with every treasure plundered and every value profaned.

So now we see all too clearly what the effect has been since their release from their self-created ghetto incubi — confirming the predictions of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

The Judaic philosophy has irremediably poisoned the whole world, and every living thing in it.

White Christians are the dumbest people on Earth because it is their hypocrisy that has generated all this trauma to the world by demonizing others as animals. And all for the pathological attraction to this cynically created abstraction better known as Almighty God.

Yeah, you took the money to keep your mouth shut. But what you didn't realize is that for anybody who does that, you should know that eventually they come back and take your money, too, as well as everything you own, which is exactly what they're doing now.

There is no justification for how the Jews have damaged the world.

It is the hypocrisy of white religions that has allowed the Jews to succeed.

Ultimately the blame all falls on hypocritical white men, who did not possess a philosophy of sufficient rectitude to prevent them from falling to the blandishments of the Jews and hastening the destruction of every single thing we ever loved.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.