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Lynch Abe Foxman NOW!

John Kaminski

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Oct. 3, 2012

. . . and string up everyone like him, especially the traitors in Congress!


Lieberman, Feinstein, Cantor, Sherman, Ross-Lehtinen, Bachman, Shumer and McCain, plus the Bushes, Obama, Romney, Clinton, Gore and all the rest of Israel's paid whores,


for covering up the 9/11 hoax

and starting all the phony wars








THURSDAY, OCT. 4th 10 a.m. EDT


with more details:


By John Kaminski





The cat is out of the bag. Israel is going down. Let's make sure all the evil Jews who have ruined America and the world go down with it.


No, not all Jews. I will finally admit that some good Jews, intimidated into silence by their conscienceless rabbis and criminal financiers, want this to happen, too.


I've never liked Kevin Barrett, ever since he threw me off an RBN radio program, calling me an anti-Semite. (I think my response was . . . "Anyone with a brain is an anti-Semite!") I worried about him, because all the information I provided was the truth, and his feeble defense of the criminals who allowed him speak on the radio was that I was hurting the feelings of people who for centuries have been known — and are still known — as ruthless mass murderers and consummate liars.


But I sure like Barrett now. He has just done everyone in the world a gigantic favor by reporting that Henry Kissinger has predicted that Israel will no longer exist in ten years!


As a chief lieutenant of the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties who have subverted the world with their demonic deceptions, Henry the K is in a position to know. In fact, he doubtless helped design the plan himself.


This would not be the first time that Jewish power brokers have betrayed their own for the good of their elite predator class. During World War II, the World Jewish Organization conspired with Hitler to imprison Jews deemed not suitable for the about-to-be-created new nation of Israel, which the Nazi leader deemed "a university for budding crooks".


Subsequent events have proved his description accurate.


For the moment, I am willing to trade an uneasy coexistence with these so-called good Jews for the elimination of Israel, no question about that. (At least temporarily — first steps first.)


Many times I have made the analogy that Jews face the same predicament as Americans — masses of ostensibly well-meaning people being steered in the wrong direction by a comparatively small cohort of manipulative and homicidal psychopaths who control the finances of practically everyone in the world.


However, that ALL Jews have kept silent about these deceptions implicates ALL of them as accessories to these ghastly crimes.


So let the cheering — and the corrective action — begin.


But be forewarned. The happy probability that Israel will no longer exist is only the first step in solving a worldwide problem — the greatest problem the world has ever faced.


Now, this Kissinger maneuver could be a deception.


Barrett has Jewish ties, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had Jewish parents (who converted to Islam), and Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State under U.S. President Richard Nixon, remains a wanted war criminal in many countries for helping to engineer the massacres of thousands of innocent civilians.


Kissinger is one of a series of Jewish spymasters who throughout the 20th century directed the sabotage of the United States, from Colonel Edward Mandel House and Paul Warburg misdirecting President Woodrow Wilson into entering World War I; through Samuel Untermeyer and Bernard Baruch guiding their secret Jewish President Franklin D. Roosevelt into tricking everyone into World War II; and today with Rahm Emanuel, a known homosexual Mossad agent once called the greatest fund-raiser in North America manipulating the puppet strings of former President Bill Clinton and later, current president Barack Obama into following the wishes of the Israeli war machine that uses brainwashed American simpletons into doing its filthy killing for them.


Now, Emanuel is mayor of Chicago. Trained as a ballet dancer, he has banned private ownership of handguns, sent the murder rate skyrocketing by unleashing well-armed street gangs on defenseless citizens, and generally followed the formula that rich Jewish psychopaths have used to murder millions of innocent people around the world for hundreds of years.


Kissinger, of course, is best known for prolonging the Vietnam war for five needless years, as well as crushing the democracy in the South American nation of Chile. Today, Chile is controlled by a neocon government and has become infested with Israelis, who seem to anticipate the impending destruction of Israel, something Jews have done before when they willingly conspired with Adolf Hitler's plan to incarcerate thousands of Jews deemed ineligible candidates for the colonization of the Palestinian homeland.


From the staged chaos of the French Revolution, the 66 million murdered by the rapacious Jewish leaders of the Soviet Union, obliterating the well-meaning Germans twice for objecting to the Jewish takeover of its country, and pulverizing Japan twice with sophisticated intrigues, the Jewish power structure of the world has ravaged the world on all levels.


This malevolent menace was disgustingly symbolized recently by the horrifically indecent prostration of the U.S. Congress before the Israeli madman Benjamin Netanyahu.


Israelis are not our allies. They never have been. They are no one's allies, as they plunder the world with their financial deceptions and poison all peoples with their murderous medical treatments.


And the clear majority of Jews around the world are clearly not genuine citizens of the nations in which they reside. You only need to read the New York papers slandering everyone but Jews, or observe that American history has been eliminated from the curricula of U.S. public schools, while Holocaust history and the shameful promotion of the socially deviant behavior known as homosexuality have not.


Today, in addition to the widespread slaughter of innocent people in too many countries to list in a single paragraph, sinister and cynical Jewish controllers fill our minds with insane thoughts generated by secret electromagnetic methods and mindless TV programming.


The American piggybank has been repeatedly looted by sophisticated scams too complex for the average goy Joe to comprehend, stealing land, poisoning products and mandating medical treatments that shorten the lives of millions. All this money flows to Israel, where Jewish criminals who commit crimes in the U.S. flee to Israel and cannot be extradited to face charges.


The two current major candidates for American president, Obama and Romney, both have staffs that are entirely and exclusively comprised of dual Israel-American citizens.


What this means is that if EITHER misanthrope is elected, it means four more years of increasing totalitarian and psychotic abuse by policing authorities, increasing use of poison medicine mandated by new Jewish laws undermining the health of the next generation, and continuing mental enslavement of the current American adult populace by increasingly debilitating drugs increasingly prescribed by Jewish-trained doctors who see only the corrupt bonuses provided by pharmaceutical companies for pushing their poisoned pills, which have no benefit to the overall health of their victims, i.e., you and me.


Two recent events have galvanized what there is of the non Jewish opposition to these increasingly deranged practices.


The first was when a neocon shill named Patrick Clawson spoke in Washington and admitted that Jewish false flag operations deliberately triggered World Wars I and II, the Vietnam war, and even the U.S. Civil War. And then he glibly recommended the U.S. do it again to start World War III against Iran. See  . . .


For Iran: An Inconvenient Truth


Max Igan And Ken O'Keefe in Gaza:


False Flags And America's 'National Interest' - September 2012


And the second was a combined U.S. intelligence report that recommended America abandon its support for the criminal state of Israel.


Texe Marrs: 16 U.S. Intelligence Agencies, the Pentagon and U.S. President Barack Obama Tell Israel 'No!'


The fact is, the USA's greatest depression, happening right now, was caused by the trillions of dollars hijacked by Jewish Wall Street brokerage houses, the criminal leaders of which have long been in actual control of the U.S. Treasury.


And where does Abe Foxman fit into this deranged design?


Vitriolic Anti-Defamation League point man in campaigns of slander against those who attempt, no matter how feebly, to uncover the multitude of Jewish crimes against humanity, Foxman uses the cynical canard of anti-Semitism to stifle both dissent and honest observation of the problem.


He leads an endless battalion of Jewish sayanim (helpers) who are actually paid by your tax money to continue to foist misleading propaganda about the so-called Holocaust and other Jewish twistings of history to intimidate cowardly non Jews into acceding to their warped wishes.


His lies are emblematic of problems throughout both mainstream and alternative media — all controlled by Jews — that insist Nazi Germans murdered 6 million Jews in "lakes of fire" and with other imaginary depraved fantasies, for which no empirical proof has ever been furnished except for the hysterical testimonies about Nazi atrocities by sick Jews who have actually been paid to lie about their experiences.


As Iranian President Ahmadinejad has stated, if the rest of the world is to survive, the Zionist menace festering in Israel and spreading its murderous tentacles must "vanish from the page of time".


But now everyone realizes that Jews who do not join this push to exterminate the criminal state run by psychopathic Israelis must vanish along with them.


So I say, lynch Abe Foxman now.


And all others like him, starting with Larry Silverstein, principal profiteer of the 9/11 caper, and continuing through a long list that includes all elected and appointed members of the U.S. government, significant employees and owners of mainstream media, and all those who abet these continuing crimes against humanity and the deliberate mass murder of American citizens whose lives they had sworn to protect.


John Alan Martinson Jr.: Myth of the Good Jew


John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.