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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad revealed to have Jewish past

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Ron: WTF?! President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's criticisms of Zionists and what the Jewish state of Israel DOES is rational and reasonable. There is NOTHING hate filled about those criticisms. Jews always pretend that criticism of what they DO is hateful, racist and Anti-Semitic which are LIES designed to prevent analysis and criticism of the REAL hateful, racist actions of the Jewish state of Israel and the Talmudic actions of many, many Jews. Please be aware that Judaism IS Talmud-ism ie it is really an exclusivist, collectivist political ideology which preaches that only Jews are human and all non-Jews are animals to be used and abused by Jews, at whim. THAT is the underlying RACIST doctrine in Judaism.

Note also, that even if a Jew professes to follow the Torah that Old Testament document too, is racist and preaches genocide. ALSO, the suggestion that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad criticizes Jews to hide his past is absurd. IF one does not profess to being a Jew, or live by Talmudic or Torah doctrines, one is NOT a Jew and no valid suggestion can be made to the contrary. Being a Jew is NOT genetic. It is a lifestyle (and consciousness) choice just like being a Catholic or a Mason or anything else. In truth that choice is generally developed as a cultural accretion by indoctrinating Jew offspring from cradle to grave but converts occur and thoughtful people DO opt out of the culture and its ideology. In other words Judaism is a pernicious MIND CONTROL mechanism and where a person like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (or Br. Nathanael Kapner) REJECTS that ideological mind control, he is NOT a Jew even if his parents were or are. Whinging by Jews and their fellow travelers that criticism of "Jews" generally is hateful and racist is BULLSHIT! Jews are NOT a race and anyone who professes Judaism and seeks to benefit thereby has to accept the implications of their CHOICE. Jews can always change their choice but most do not because there are substantial benefits to be had from identifying with "the tribe". After all what other group of 13.3 million people on Earth have attained the ability to control the US, UK, EU and most of the rest of the world; AND the parasitic right to be financially maintained by German subsidies forever? To put it another way, if any Jew truly wants to avoid being associated with Jewish genocidal killers and despoilers of Palestinians and others, all they have to do is CEASE publicly identifying themselves as a Jew and cease identifying with and defending the Jewish state and Jewish banksters who do or fund such things.].

"[Ron: Oh pleaseee! Enuf already! There was NO Jewish Holocaust. Jews were protected by the German state because they were placed in work camps AWAY from German cities which the allies bombed unmercifully, killing millions of civilians. THAT was the real WAR crime and crime against humanity during WWII and it was done on the orders of Jews, notably Churchiil, Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Harry S(olomon) Truman.].